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It Works in Theory: A Halo of Gold and Blue


Aloha, my learned lodgers of Dragonmount! Welcome back to "It Works in Theory," the blog that won't stop swinging, even long after the bell has been rung and the punching bag has thrown in the towel. I hope everyone didn't miss me too much; the Bahamas ended up being a blast and I'm rested and refreshed, ready to deliver some more insights and ponderings your way. I think my fingers might need that extra bounce in their step today to go back to old form and produce a good ol' extra long yarn for your enjoyment. So kick back, spread on your sunscreen, and get yourself a tropical style beverage to enjoy for this week's entry! But first, let's go ahead and satisfy the legal department and get our disclaimer out of the way:


WARNING!!! Spoiler Alert!!! WARNING!!!


This blog is based on theories that will include facts and material from the latest books in the series, so if you have not read through Towers of Midnight, continue reading at your own risk! I'd like to direct your attention to the front of the blog as I demonstrate the various safety features of this particular vehicle. We suggest you keep your seatbelts fastened in the event of turbulence, or if the captain goes off on one of his particularly sketchy flights of fancy. Emergency exits are located at the front and back of the blog, but your captain requests that you remember to comment before trying to leap to safety. In the event of decompression, oxygen masks will appear before you; unfortunately, you may not see the bags inflate as the captain already had all the air go to his head before I began this speech. Electronic devices are not permitted during the blog's passage to wherever it is we're going; however, abacuses and slide rulers are allowed. Tray tables may be folded out at any time to allow you to headdesk when you feel appropriate. Thank you, and enjoy the flight!


Alright, let's go ahead and get crackin! This week, we will be discussing...(drumroll please)...Logain's glory! I have been wanting to cover this topic for quite some time, as the Black Tower is not just the Dragonmount Social Group I am a part of, it's also one of the organizations in the Wheel of Time series that I am most fascinated with, and Logain is a key individual in that organization. It seems many fans of the series have been drawn into the storyline and characters surrounding the Black Tower in particular, perhaps because of those fancy dragon pins (which you can purchase replicas of in our store); it might even have something to do with that whole channeling the One Power business.


Without a doubt, Logain has attracted his share of fans as the series has gone on, as he has played the primary protagonist in the Black Tower's storyline for several books. Rand, of course, is off being too busy being the Dragon Reborn and doing Dragon Rebornish type stuff, so is unable to pay the home for male channelers the attention it deserves. Sadly, he left the psychotic Mazrim Taim in charge in his stead, which has created several hardships for Logain and his followers. Yet we have known for several books that glory is in Logain's future, and that has kept us following his story arc very closely in the hopes of figuring out what that glory might end up being.


The Shadow Rising

Chapter 17, "Deceptions"


She had seen Logain before, a sad-faced, once-hearty man, always with an Accepted for a companion. The woman was meant to keep him from killing himself as much to prevent his escape; despite his size, he truly did not seem up to anything of the latter sort. But she had never before seen a flaring halo around his head, radiant in gold and blue. It was only there for a moment, but that was enough.


Logain had proclaimed himself the Dragon Reborn, had been captured and gentled. Whatever glory he might have had as a false Dragon was far behind him now. All that remained for him was the despair of the gentled, like a man who had been robbed of sight and hearing and taste, wanting to die, waiting for the death that inevitably came to such men in a few years. He glanced at her, perhaps not seeing her; his eye looked hopelessly inward. So why had he worn a halo that shouted of glory and power to come?


Min's vision of Logain definitely sets the stage for him to achieve some kind of epic redemption in the series' conclusion. The most obvious explanation for what this glory could turn out to be would be a confrontation with Mazrim Taim in the Black Tower. There has been a division between the two for quite some time now, with each gathering their own share of followers. Taim has had the upper hand for quite some time, though, and an impressive advantage at that. He is the M'Hael, so is considered to be on a higher level than Logain. He trains his group of cronies in his own secret classes, which seem to have drastic results on the abilities of those he trains (this possibly could be because of linking with Black Ajah members--it's stated that training can be enhanced or sped up by linking with a female channeler).


Even worse, Taim seems to have gained a nasty ability in being able to convert channelers to the Shadow using the circle of thirteen Dreadlords and thirteen Myrddraal trick that Egwene first learned of during her Acceptance test in The Dragon Reborn. Taim has more than likely already used this gruesome ritual in converting Mezar, once one of Logain's most loyal followers, to his side. Needless to say, the odds are stacked so high against Logain's favor that should he somehow come out on top during a confrontation with Taim, it would be glorious indeed.


I know y'all wouldn't be happy if I left it at that, however, so let's go ahead and explore other possibilities. One rather obscure idea that I've heard tossed around has to do with someone who apparently might have known Logain even before he was originally captured and gentled.


The Eye of the World

Chapter 14, "The Stag and Lion"


After a time, Moiraine asked, “What did you learn in the common room?” Knives and forks stilled, suspended in mid-air, and all eyes turned to the Warder.


“Little that’s good,” Lan replied. “Avin was right, at least as far as talk has it. There was a battle in Ghealdan, and Logain was the victor. A dozen different stories are floating about, but they all agree on that.”


Logain? That must be the false Dragon. It was the first time Rand had heard a name put to the man. Lan sounded almost as if he knew him.


That comes all the way from the first book, yet we never hear of how Lan might know Logain. Lan is definitely not one to openly divulge about anything he doesn't have to' however, so that doesn't mean this excerpt isn't worth noting. As of Towers of Midnight, Lan had prepared an army out of random surviving Malkieri and was preparing to charge to his doom in order to avenge the eradication of his kingdom. Perhaps Logain hears of this at some point in the last book, and remembers a deep connection or debt to the stony-faced Warder and Travels to his rescue with a mini-army of Asha'man with him to help destroy however many countless thousands of Shadowspawn await Lan.


The next thing that comes to mind which I have heard mentioned a few times is the possibility of Logain taking the mantle of leadership from Rand, possibly after Rand either dies or stages his own death. This definitely doesn't seem far-fetched, especially considering the dream that Egwene had concerning Logain:


A Crown of Swords

Chapter 10, "Unseen Eyes"


Logain, laughing, stepped across something on the ground and mounted a black stone; when she looked down, she thought it was Rand's body he had stepped over, laid out on a funeral bier with his hands crossed at his breast, but when she touched his face, it broke apart like a paper puppet.


Something that stands out to me personally about this quote is how it mentions Logain mounting a black stone; this sounds like the black stone that Taim and Rand stand on to address the Asha'man. This helps lend further support to the idea of Logain being the one who deposes Taim, and not Rand. Moreover, though, it might signify Logain taking the general mantle of leadership of Rand's armies from Rand if he does end up dying, at least until Rand is resurrected somehow. The laughing part does perplex me somewhat; it seems more like something a madman would do, there's nothing to indicate that Logain is crazy, and with saidin cleansed, the Taint will no longer corrupt him. Perhaps he's laughing because he's in on the charade of Rand's death?


Another idea that seems to have a lot of merit to me has to do with the subject I brought up in my last blog: The Amyrlin's Anger. The idea is that the White Tower and the Black Tower will be joined after/during the Last Battle, and that instead of Rand becoming the "Tamyrlin," it would be Logain taking the helm of both male and female channelers, or at least the male side of the "Gray" Tower. There's actually a line of the Karaethon Prophecy which might be referring to this event occuring:


Lord of Chaos



The unstained tower breaks and bends knee to the forgotten sign.

The seas rage, and stormclouds gather unseen.

Beyond the horizon, hidden fires swell, and serpents nestle in the bosom.

What was exalted is cast down; what was cast down is raised up.

Order burns to clear his path.


The forgotten sign would of course be the ancient sign of the Aes Sedai. Logain was exalted at one point as a false Dragon, but could be raised up as Tamyrlin (it's also possible the one cast down was Elaida, when she was captured as a damane). The last line, "Order burns to clear his path," might possibly have something to do with Elaida's Foretelling of the Black Tower being "rent in blood and fire." The last thing I'll mention about possible ways Logain's glory becomes revealed has to do with the possibility that after all is said and done, Logain ends up getting some of the credit for Rand's accomplishments himself, or maybe even ends up as being considered the Dragon Reborn years later after memory has become legend, and legend has faded into myth. I'll come back to that thought later.


To be honest, this week's topic ended up becoming slightly frustrating for me to write about. That's only because, after countless hours researching and musing on various possibilities, I really couldn't pick one that stood out to me any more than the others! They all seem somewhat likely to me, and honestly, it seems to me that his glory will most likely be attained through several avenues, not just one. However, I'm never settled with a blog of mine unless I feel it has at least one idea that makes it POP, something which hopefully introduces some excitement in some of my readers as they consider something which they might never have thought of before. Eventually, I found what I was looking for, and the funny thing is it doesn't necessarily have to do with what glory Logain ends up achieving, but why he might have been destined for glory in the first place.


Let me first say that this wasn't my original idea; in fact, I have stolen it from the same person I "borrowed" another idea or two from for my blogs in the past. Terez wrote an article entitled Rand's New Sword that discusses the background and origin of the new sword Rand has been seen carrying around the past couple of books. The sword has been all but confirmed as being Justice, Artur Hawkwing's sword from a millenia before. Artur Hawkwing inherited the sword, in fact, from the same man whose defeat helped propel Artur Paendrag to the lofty position he held for decades: Guaire Amalasan. Just to refresh your memory, Guaire Amalasan is the man who proclaimed himself the Dragon Reborn a thousand years before Rand, and started what came to be known as the War of the Second Dragon. At the bottom of the article Terez wrote, she includes something she describes as a theory "from the loony bin," which is, of course, my favorite variety. She presupposes that Logain might actually be Guaire Amalasan reborn.


There's actually a lot of evidence to support this "loony" theory. First of all, it should be pointed out that Logain, in spite of the fact that he is essentially Rand's lieutenant, is in fact very independent and almost defiant at times towards Rand al'Thor. He never comes out and says that Rand is the Dragon Reborn, although Taim points it out himself rather eloquently. He almost still seems to believe that he is the Dragon Reborn, and even when Rand tells him how he cleansed saidin, Logain does not believe him, thinking instead that the Taint was removed as a mercy of the Creator.


One facet of this theory I really love is the idea that Logain might in fact have his own fractured psyche; a voice which talks to him as if he were a separate person. Rand had the voice of Lews Therin Telamon in his head for the majority of the series, a voice which several times made him question his own sanity. During question and answer sessions, Robert Jordan suggested that the voice developed because of the amount of the One Power that Rand channels, that the fracturing of his psyche came about due to exposure from the Taint. Logain is able to hold nearly as much saidin as Rand can and has been channeling for a good bit longer, so it's possible that he might in fact have the same condition. We've never had a point of view from Logain to confirm this, but we do have this little tidbit from the aftermath of Semirhage's initial attack on Rand when he believes he is to be meeting with the Daughter of the Nine Moons in Knife of Dreams:


Knife of Dreams

Chapter 27, "A Plain Wooden Box"


Semirhage saved him the effort of thinking up a lie. "He's insane," she said coolly. Standing there stiff as a statue, Min's knife hilt still sticking out beside her collarbone and the front of her black dress glistening with blood, she might have been a queen on her throne.


"Graendal could explain it better than I. Madness was her specialty. I will try, however. You know of people who hear voices in their heads? Sometimes, very rarely, the voices they hear are the voices of past lives. Lanfear claimed he knew things from our own Age, things only Lews Therin Telamon could know. Clearly, he is hearing Lews Therin's voice. It makes no difference that his voice is real, however. In fact, that makes his situation worse. Even Graendal usually failed to achieve reintegration with someone who heard a real voice. I understand the descent into terminal madness can be...abrupt." Her lips curved in a smile that never touched her dark eyes.


Were they looking at him differently? Logain's face was a carved mask, unreadable. Bashere looked as though he still could not believe. Nynaeve's mouth hung open, and her eyes were wide.


It is a somewhat amusing coincidence about the Wheel of Time that anytime you see Robert Jordan describe someone's face as unreadable, it actually means there's a lot to be read from it. Logain's reaction, or rather his controlled absence of an outward reaction, could indicate that what he was hearing sounded very familiar, for he hears the voice of his own past self, Guaire Amalasan. There's also the strange thing mentioned in passing when Min, Siuan, Leane, and Logain are traveling on the lam after escaping the White Tower:


Fires of Heaven

Chapter 1, "Fanning the Sparks"


So far they had outrun awkward news--deadly was a better word than awkward--but some news had a way of leaping a hundred miles in a day. Siuan had been traveling as Mara, Leane as Amaena, and Logain had taken the name Dalyn, after Siuan convinced him Guaire was a fool’s choice.


Logain wants to use the name of a false Dragon for his surname while they are doing everything they can to avoid notice from the White Tower. That's somewhat risky of a move, to say the least.


Logain and Guaire are also described in a similar manner, both having a striking gaze and being able to lead by pure charisma, instead of being natural orators. They both favor learning skill with the sword, instead of just relying on their ability to channel the One Power. They're both great strategic generals; Logain had already had some major conquests on the battlefield before being captured by six Aes Sedai, which also happens to be the number of Aes Sedai that captured Guaire when Artur Hawkwing's army had engaged his. In fact, Logain was captured when he was on his way to Tear; Guaire had been sweeping through the westlands conquering nation after nation when his surge slowed down somewhat after sieging Tear. Thirty Aes Sedai helped to fend him and his army off, which is strange considering the attitude that Tear has had towards Aes Sedai for so long.


The last piece of evidence I would like to raise is beautiful in both its simplicity and in the way that Robert Jordan could have potentially been setting it up as foreshadowing. Let's examine the vision Min has of Logain once again:


The Shadow Rising

Chapter 17, "Deceptions"


...a flaring halo around his head, radiant in gold and blue


And again after he frees Siuan, Leane, and Min from their sentence from Davram Bashere:


The Fires of Heaven

Chapter 1, "Fanning the Sparks"


...a halo flared around his head, a radiant crown of gold and blue


When Rand encounters Logain again in Lord Algarin's manor house, Logain seems to have adopted a new sigil:


Knife of Dreams

Chapter 18, "News for the Dragon"


Logain did not wait on invitations, entering practically on the serving man's heels. A tall man with dark hair curling to his shoulders, and dark for a Ghealdanin, women likely thought him handsome, yet there was a streak of darkness inside him as well. He wore his black coat with the Sword and Dragon on the high collar, and a long-hilted sword on his hip, but he had made an addition, a round enameled pin on his shoulder showing three golden crowns in a field of blue.


Then we have Guaire Amalasan's banner, described to us not in the books but in a guide to the books, entitled The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time:


The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time

Chapter 11, "The Second Dragon and the Rise of Artur Hawkwing"


Early in FY 939, while the snows still fell, Amalasan named himself the Dragon Reborn in Darmovan. He raised a banner which showed the ancient symbol of the Aes Sedai on a field of blue and called those who followed him the Children of the Dragon.


Later in that same chapter we get a description of Artur Hawkwing's sigil and the banner of the nation he represented (bear with me, last quote):


The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time

Chapter 11, "The Second Dragon and the Rise of Artur Hawkwing"


His personal sigil was the Golden Hawk, and the banner of Shandalle featured three golden hawks in flight.


It looks to be that Logain remembers Hawkwing from his past life, and perhaps after an entire campaign of battling against the great captain developed a profound respect for the man, and now in his new life pays tribute to him with his new sigil. Either way, the connection between Logain and Guaire at this point seems a good bit less loony to me than it did before, and if Logain Ablar is in fact Guaire Amalasan reborn, there is actually good reason for him to possibly end up getting credit for some of Rand's accomplishments: He may not be THE Dragon Reborn, but he could be a false Dragon, reborn. And if he achieves glory and power, yet uses it to aid the Light in defeating the Shadow in Tarmon Gai'don, who's to say that he shouldn't get part of the credit in the end?


Until next week. Thank you for all your comments and compliments. I hope you keep enjoying my blog as I continue to enjoy writing it for you!

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I like that. I always thought that Logain would somehow be made out to be the "real" Dragon Reborn and that Rand somehow becomes a false Dragon.Upon reading your theory that would make more sense.

I had another post elsewhere where I think Logain gets his "Gory" because Rand loses the ability to channel and Logain becomes the strongest male "Aes Sedai" at the end.

All in all I like this and need to think some on this.

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Seems to me that Logain might be laughing at the irony that comes in realization that everything he wanted, the glory and power, comes not from the Dragon's facade he's attempted to weave for so long, but himself. There's a great deal of glory to be had in raising up what was cast down (male channelers) through the remains of the Black Tower, and I imagine that you're right in following that line of reasoning. He doesn't have to take anything of Rand's to get there, and the obstacle he thought was Rand crumbles before his true path to the halo.

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well... channelers gain strength much like training with weights... the harder you train, the stronger you get, until you cap out... egwene was "forced" just like most/all of the men at the blacktower...


that much said, its only logical, that since being in a circle gives you access to more power, if you hold more than you should, youd gain strength faster... the circle itself doesnt make you cap out faster, but the use of more power than you should, does...


this is also what i think happened with rand at the end of TGS... he channeled more of saidin through the chodenkal then he used to make dragonmount... in essence, he forced himself harder and stronger than anyone really should :) but it did give him the strength he needed for the, otherwise impossible, feats in ToM

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I like the idea of Logain hearing his past life in his head, lets see if this bears out... though as far as glory goes, He will probably be on of the major surviving powerful Asedi-type on either side. The process of mending the towers, joining them together, beating back the Seanchan, etc will probably fall to him and whoever is left in charge of the White Tower... The 4th Age will probably start out with Logain in charge, taking over the empire left by Rand...

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A slight thought to add to this, the first thing that came to mind when I pictured Logain hearing voices was the same mad ramblings poor Rand was subject to. This may not be the case however.


Rand heard the voice of Lewis Theron at the end of his life, when the Backlash had driven him completely and utterly insane, but Amalasan wouldn't have been nearly as mad at the time of his own death. So the voices Logain would hear may not be the maddened lunatic style we've grown to love and hate, but rather the sane(ish) musings from a man who shook the foundations of the world. Just changes the perspective a bit...

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I absolutely LOVE that thought Jenn!


@Falling Gholam: I'll have to look it up again to find the exact reference, but Mark pretty much hit it head-on: the more you channel, the quicker you learn. Channeling in a circle allows you to channel more without wearing yourself out as quickly

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@Falling Gholam - It's in Chapter 2 of The Fires of Heaven. A discussion between Rand and Asmodean.


@Despothera - The only thing you left out of your article was Logain's ability to see Ta'veren (Sited in Chapter 30 of Lord of Chaos. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ta'veren#cite_note-1) and how this could play into his role and return to Glory.


In particular, I believe this Talent will allow Logain to see through a deception by Taim. I believe Taim will use the Mask of Mirrors to present himself as Rand to the Asham'man at the Black Tower. However, being that Logain can see Ta'veren, he will know it is not Rand, and will rally his forces to attack, and eventually kill Taim. This makes sense as to why he would be laughing as he stepped over "Rand's" dead body. It also explains why Rand's face breaks apart (Mask of Mirrors). Thereafter he ascends the black stone, and becomes the new M'hael (if he still uses that title, though I think he will title himself Tamyrlin).

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Good thought! This leads into all kinds of possibilities, Logain could also foil the body-swap theory between Rand/Moridin. I'm sure that whole ta'veren spotting idea will play a big role in ToM though.

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That is freaking brilliant.


As for linking to learn, from the Grifter mentioned Asmodean chat, Asmodean mentions that teaching the flows is much easier in a circle (I think it has something to do with being able to see/feel/guide the flows while being in a circle). I'm not sure if channeling via an aid such as an angeral, circle, etc. would allow one to channel more.


I've always seen this more like an aid or a spotter in weight-training. I've thought that you would gain more strength in the power if you channeled unaided than not.

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I think from the epilog quote the serpent nestled in the bosom is refering to either the Black Ajah or possibly Taim. Im pretty sure that Taim is the exalted one cast down and Logain the cast down exalted. The Seanchan have always been represented by unseen storm clouds and the Seas Rage could very well be the Sea Folk anger


Beyond the horizon could mean a number of things but I believe this also refers to the White tower itself. There is the long ago statement about the sun never setting on the british empire that leads me to believe it may refer to something that doesnt have borders and is "beyond" the horizon as in not having a horizon. It could also refer to something very tall having to lift eyes above the horizon to see the top of it. (which conjures the dragon mount as well)


Order burns to clear his path is truely an interesting line. "let the lord of chaos rule" comes to mind.


Just thinking

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I love this one. Great great job. I am definitely in favor of the re-born theory of those listed. I caught the bit about his reaction to Semi's revelation of voices when I read it and it had me thinking but not like this. I thought he was just crazy lol. This makes a lot of sense. Thank you so much!

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Lord of Chaos



The unstained tower breaks and bends knee to the forgotten sign.


This refers to the tower breaking and the Aes Sedai swearing fealty to Rand. The "forgotten sign" isn't the ancient symbol of Aes Sedai, which people recognize easily, but the actual picture of the dragon, the symbol of Lews Therin Telamon - the forgotten sign.

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@Grifter 7: That is one amazing theory! It connects all the dots and it's something that I wouldn't have even though of.

And fantastic work Despothera - keep it up! :)

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Is anyone else confused or bothered by the fact that Semirhage seems to be such an expert on men driven insane by the taint on saidin?


I realize torturing people is kind of her thing and she probably knows the flavors of crazy like the back of her hand, but how could she develop an expertise in men driven insane by the taint. I thought the taint was the last counter strike of the Dark one before being sealed away.


If that is the case, since Semirhage was sealed away with the Dark One, she would not have had any time in the Age of Legends to observe men going insane because of the taint. This would leave only her time in this age after breaking free. Where are the insane male channelers she observed to draw this conclusion?


I'd say it was possible that Semirhage lied and said this to undermine Rand, but she seems to be exactly correct. So... ::shrug::


How could Semirhage have this knowledge? (sorry if this is off topic)

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@runninglink, an interesting question, but has a few assumptions... she could have started her studies again in this age... or, it was a bluff :) she may have known that lews had the previous dragon in his head, and assumed rand did too... or, she had spies close to rand to notice him talking to himself...

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and, theres one group of male channelers that everyone forgets ;) and they conveniently went to the blight... ripe for capture... the aiel

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@Grifter7: If everyone would make theories as good as yours, we could write out AMoL word by word...

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Hadnt Semi been in Seanchan for a long time. IIRC not all the forsaken were released at the same time.


Another thing about the ancient sign of the AS. It is largerly forgotten among the public since it has been split for so long and the general fear of AS is based on what they know today. Knowledge of the unified male and female AS does not appear to be general knowledge and distrust of the White Tower and outright fear of Male channellers is based more on current history rather than anything remembered from the AOL. Even among AS its not neccissarily common knowledge that the flame of Tarvalon and the dragons fang have their roots in the ancient AS symbol. The fact that the seals on the DO prison have the same design is the more likely image in most peoples minds (if they know what the seals are supposed to look like at all) If they know anything they know that male and females onced worked together before the breaking but they know little of the insignia or the organization.


Another thing when dealing with "prophetic" language the obvious meanings for things are most often not the correct ones. Forgotten in this case would not neccissarily mean lost from memory but rather something disgarded or unused. We also have to understand what the broken tower would be kneeling to. It wouldnt be a submission to male power but fealty to an idea that they are stronger together. If anyone could accept this idea it would be Egwene especially with the changes regarding other female channelers. I see a catharsis comming in her future with regards to Rands plan.

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I thought Semi was an expert on mental illness? Like an aes sedai psychiatrist / Hannibal lector with the one power? If so maybe in the age of legends it was possible that people still did hear voices without having them be taint induced? Just like drugs in people can INDUCE mental illness (i.e. taint on saidin) or people can just be born that way from the start? If so before she went darkside she would studied people in that condition. That would make a bit more sense. Plus she would have had a few years in the current age to notice the way saidin brings it out in men, so as to further her research. Plus she'd been hearing reports of all the stuff Rand blurted out that only LTT knew, so it doesnt take a rocket scientist to guess how that was happening, lol. Loving this theory BTW Despothera! The "Logains face was unreadable" thing struck a cord with me too, but I just assumed he'd been channelling much more than rand and maybe was more affected by the taint. But it all really makes sense now! SIGH I dont know that this book is going to fit all these loose ends in... I feel we're still gonna have a lot of unanswered questions at the end :(

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@aammondd & Rory Bayliss...Graendal was the expert on madness.Semirhage mentions that in KoD,Chpt.27.Semirhage starts by saying,"He's insane." Then goes on to say,"Graendal could explain it better than I. Maddness was her specialty." She then goes on to explain about the voices saying,"You know of people who hear voices in their heads? Sometimes,very rarely,the voices they hear are the voices of past lives.Lanfear claimed he knew things from our own Age,things only Lews Therin Telamon could know." All she's trying to to here is scare them. Min ( Elayne and Avi.)know Rand is not insane thru the bond.Cadsuane has already asked Rand,"have you started to hear the voices?" when she first meets him in Carhien. So this new tid bit is not new news to her,especially since she has caught more male channelers than any other Aes Sedai.Well,so she claims.

Logain is the question here.Does he hear any voices? Is Semi.speaking of him while looking at Rand ?


@Grifter7...I like the mask of mirrors theory.Makes alot of sense.The pedestal that Logain steps over is definatly at the Black Tower.In the epilogue of KoD when the Red sisters arrive at the Tower "He darted through the gateway and closed it before she had a chance to see more than a white stone platform with steps leading up one side and a squared-off black stone ...polished til it shone in the sun,atop it."This is a very close description the Egewene has.


Sorry this is so long...

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But I still like my theory on the whole voices thing and how the forsaken know about it. How else would they? lol.

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Awesome theory! The only flaw I can see is that right after Logain shows up wearing his new pin with the crowns on blue, Cadsuane points out that the sigil was that of his family's house i.e. Logain was a low ranking noble in...Ghealdan, if I remember correctly.


She makes some comment to him about whether or not he should bother wearing it, since his house was stripped of it's titles after he declared himself the dragon.


PS- considering how it was Cadsuane who captured Logain after those first Aes Sedai failed, how strained of a working relationship must they have? lol

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