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Food News: Seaweed that tastes like BACON!

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That's interesting. I don't think people will fall for it, though.


I prefer eating seaweed that tastes like seaweed myself (but only because I don't really like bacon unless it's crispy, and I'm certain the seaweed will remove the crispy part.)

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The main point is that they discovered a way to prepare this specific kind of seaweed-- a mode of preparation no one really bothered to try-- and discovered it tastes like bacon after using that specific mode. Kind of like if you decide to deep fat fry a Twinkie, you discover a new food, even though Twinkies have been around for decades. A new mode of preparation, previously just simply not experimented with, created a new flavor.


The application here is that for people who want bacon flavoring, but not the nutrition of bacon, this is a godsend. Want your chowder to taste more like bacon without adding extra bacon bits? Put in some powdered seaweed! Want your soy imitation bacon bits to taste more like bacon? Add seaweed! It isn't a replacement for bacon as a side, but it is a replacement for bacon strictly as a flavoring ingredient. I would probably use this with eggs. Some people cook eggs in bacon fat... now you can just replace that fat and your salt with "bacon salt," bacon imitation powder mixed with salt. Same use as garlic salt, etc.

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