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[Game] Endless story


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 ** Up to this point we have: **


Once upon a time there was a tall Ogier who was walking through the stedding with a basket full of fruit.  His name was Balderdash and he loved to play footfall with his dainty little mitts. One day he decided to go to the beach where he saw a cat dancing so as not to burn it´s tiny paws on the hot sand.

Suddenly a mustache erupted from the hot sands. Balderdash decided it was too pretty, so he grabbed it and attached it to his forehead then called his friends and told them to take a large, yellow and star-shaped balloon and fill it completely with uranium then tie it up and throw it at the passing horde of trollocs. When it landed the trollocs started break dancing and began to explode. Meanwhile, wachting from above a lame cammel, the mighty

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