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Blue/Yellow Ajah HP Week


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As you know, we typically celebrate Harry Potter during the week of his (and his creator's) birthday.


The notorious well-known columnist, Rita Skeeter, will be reporting on our events and she may even pop into this thread to give us an account of the goings-on this year.  In the meantime, I'll list the events that will take place and will add links as they become active.  Events will start as follows and continue through Aug 2.


Day 1:

 - Sorting Hat http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/90427-blueyellow-ajah-harry-potter-week-sorting-hat-ceremony/?view=getnewpost

 - Mafia http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/90445-wizarding-world-war-1-mafia-game-night-0/?view=getnewpost


Day 2:

 - Picture Caption http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/90434-blueyellow-ajah-harry-potter-week-picture-caption/

 - Trivia http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/90456-blue-yellow-ajah-harry-potter-week-harry-potter-trivia/

 - Hangman http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/90449-blue-yellow-ajah-harry-potter-week-harry-potter-hangman/


Day 3:

 - Discussion  http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/90457-blue-yellow-ajah-harry-potter-week-semi-serious-discussions/

 - Owl Post http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/90462-hp-week-2014-owl-post/?view=getnewpost

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Someone (anonymously) mailed me Rita's latest column and I decided to share it with everyone here.  I've heard a rumor that her column will soon be published at the TV site so stay tuned!  After all, if it's important and happening, you know that Rita is on the job with her poisonous pen Quick-Quotes Quill . . . !


~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

It’s that time again. Yes, that one. The one where wannabes follow after fictional characters hoping to somehow become part of their, our, world. I would say it’s sad, but it’s a delightful culture to follow and has some fabulous characters within, so celebrate on friends! The boards will soon be alight with words pertaining to the some of the most infamous wizards throughout time. Mea culpa Merlin and Gandalf, but you are currently passe.

The seven day festival of words will contain a set number of musings. Trivial contests to prove know-how (or not enough), photo contests of the stagnant variety, a wicked game of cat and mouse, and a few others. Seven to be exact. How trite and delicious at the same time.

Do not delay in your involvement! Despite the richness of the setting, there is only one itsy bitsy tiny little week. Also, be on the lookout for me, dear ones, for I will be observing as I always do. I spy with my little eye…


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Any willing members of Dragonmount are welcome to join me for Harry Potter Hangman! 




I do hope my ghastly appearance doesn't frighten anyone.  It seems even the first-years are used to it by now, though...

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