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Welcomey welcome Thytaark!


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Soo... hi :happy:

And welcome! And brownies?




Please go ahead and start exploring our lovely abode. I'd suggest tying a piece of string to the entrance so you don't get lost, but I can't imagine anybody ever wanting to leave...


Feel free to introduce yourself a bit if you like, or ask us any questions, but mainly have fun :)


Oh, and did I mention the brownies?




They're very nice :)

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Welcome to the Black Tower... Please enjoy some tainted brownies while you wait for access to the rest of our forums.



Once you gain access you can sign up for Saidin class (It's not too far into the month so you might even be able to get in on Octobers class.)

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Welcome to the Black Tower! Great to see another civie in the BT. Tell us all about yourself. How long have you been reading WoT? Do you have a favourite asha´man? Do you like dragons? 


You will soon be able to see our private boards. Until then, hang out here on the main board. You will find that we are a friendly and crazy bunch of people.

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Welcome Thy...yep sorry I'm not a good speller, best I stick to that...


I would eat the chocolate in this thread but I'm on a diet, so you can have some :biggrin: 


Any questions, then just ask






what are you doing out of my pocket...you'll get run over!

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