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Need more for DM Fantasy Football league

Justen Diablos

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So there's been this DM Fantasy Football (by football I of course mean the American version for any of you dirty foreigners getting ideas) League for nigh on 8 or 9 years or some such.  Anyway this year we didn't get all of our members back and no one seems to be truly driven to pay too much attention to it.  We've been busy n' such.  So here's the deal, our draft is Sunday at noon, and we've only 9 teams in a 12 team league.  So we need more teams.  This is an APB for at least one but preferably 3 new members from within the DM community (which is where all our mighty owners are from save Empy's brother, who got in via nepotism). 


Here's your chance DM Football fans to take your Fantasy skills up against folk such as Empy, Hax, Corki, Mr. Soy Boyo, and of course your boy JD.  


Respond to this post I reckon and I will get you in as best I can. 


If you happen to be busy on Sunday at noon (with Church or some form of Sweet Sixteen party you're either attending or spying on from the bushes) don't fret, you can still set your team to auto-draft and have a fairly good shot against us.  Paityr auto drafted for 5 straight years and made the playoffs every year.  I'm not entirely sure what that says about our collective drafting skills.





Yeah, That JD.


Edit:  I'll need your e-mail address for this venture.

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