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Party #2- Drive in Movie!


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Party time #2!


I love movies! One of the things the Kin did when we were a young little group was MSN chats while watching the same movie! It's hard to get everyone at the computer at the same time these days, but I thought it might be fun to watch a movie together! Or two... or ten!



I'll start the first one!


I just finished this one and thought it was funny, cheesy and... odd? Throw in that Neil Patrick Harris is a bad guy who's singing and Nathan Fillon is... well, he's Nathan Fillon!


That's right, peeps! It's Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog!


You can blame my absent warder for this, as he knows of my love for Nathan Fillon and my recent addiction to Steampunk! This is a bit steampunk-ish.


Now, warnings- this is VERY PG13, mostly because of sexual references and Captain Hammer flips Dr. Horrible off once.


It's a whopping 43 minutes long, so not a horrible amount of time to dedicate to watching a bit of humor.


So, watch if I haven't scared you off and let's chat! :)

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