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A long journey coming home.


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As Oren woke he was alone. He was weak and half frozen and scared. He immediately reached out to Moon Dancer his only companion in months. “Moon Dancer are you there?” he thought. “Yes pup I’m here. They are coming to bring you home. Do not worry I’m close.” Oren struggled to sit up and looked around the cave. He was so hungry. This winter was harsher than most and he had trouble finding any food for some time. If it wasn’t for Moon Dancer he would have starved months ago.


He looked through his bag and all of the dried meats were gone. He hadn’t eaten for three days now and he wasn’t sure how much longer he could last. He didn’t have the strength to hunt. He took a long gulp of water and summoned his strength to stand up and he slowly moved to the cave mouth .Moon Dancer padded up and helped him keep his balance by letting Oren lean on him. At the cave mouth Moon Dancer’s ears perked and he stopped Oren and sat. “She is here pup. She is a friend go with her. She will take you home.” As Oren looked at the edge of the clearing in front of the cave he squinted his eyes and saw a woman walking up the path to the cave mouth. He was so relieved. Help was finally here and he knew he wouldn’t have made it without Moon Dancer. Or this stranger that had been coming to take him somewhere he would be welcomed.

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  • 2 months later...

((Heh, lets see if I can get her voice right. So, since it was placed in the Steading sub-board, I am just going to say it wasnt -too- far away from it. I hope thats alright.))


"Quite an interesting place to hole yourself up." Winifred's sending to Midnight was rather absent minded, simply pointing out that it was not far from the actual Steadding. For once, she hadnt had to walk or ride all over the place to find a Wanderer.


"The Two-Legged are not kind to those like you sister," Midnight's sending was just as matter-of-factual as hers, "You know this, you should not be surprised to find one hiding in a cave like a scared pup."


The Head Tracker could not help but shake her head, not because of the sarcstic tone, but because it was true. Humans were never kind to the 'kin, almost always they were driven from their homes, villages, or cities by angry mobs. Many found refuge in places like this, on their own save for the wolves that often came to help them. So, really this pup was no diffrent than any other Wanderer she had gone to pick up, save for the distance thing.


They ad been in contact with the wolf helping him, Moon Dancer she was called. She had assured them that this was the right place, and that the young Wanderer they were going to meet was awake and waiting them. She had also informed them that the young man was hungry and cold. The Steading was not far so both of those things could be easily fixed.


Soon, she came into view of the cave he was staying in, and beheld a young man, weak from hunger and the cold, sitting next to the wolf who Winifred knew to be Moon Dancer. Stopping a short ways off the Head Tracker nods to Moon Dancer before speaking.


"Greetings. My name is Winifred. I could start out with pleasentries, but you already know why I am here I suspect. Needless to say I am here to take you somewhere safe, warm, and with food." Yeah, that just about covered it.


She would wait for a responce, "Are you able to walk?" She hoped he was, she didnt have any intention of carrying him. Though, if she had to she would, she couldnt leave him out here all alone.

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Oren sat wrapped in his cape and his blanket at the cave mouth. He wondered how long it would be before the people who would take him to safety would really be. He sent the images to Moon Dancer “Are you sure they will accept me? My father and I have killed many of your brothers and sisters.” Oren looked at the ground sadly. “Of course they will accept you pup. We have all done things we regret. And remember pup they are you brothers and sisters as well.” Moon dancer thought.


After what seemed like hours but in reality was only a few minutes a woman and another wolf came into view. She walked up and stopped a short ways off and nodded to moon dancer before speaking. "Greetings, My name is Winifred. I could start out with pleasantries, but you already know why I am here I suspect. Needless to say I am here to take you somewhere safe, warm, and with food." The wolf looked up to Winifred and then to Oren.


Oren spoke with a twinge of fear and uncertainty “Yes mam I know why you’re here.” After a brief pause she asked Oren "Are you able to walk?" Oren nodded and started back towards the cave. He was very nervous because he had a feeling the wolf with Winifred new who he was and that once he got there it would be spread around and he would be on his own again.


He had gotten used to being on his own but he sure would rather have friends and people he could call family again. He missed his father and his mother so but he knew he would never see them again. He gathered up all of his belongings and used his ash staff to help him walk. He was weak still from not eating well in weeks. Hopefully soon he would have all the things he needed and would be part of something again.


He walked up next to Moon Dancer and looked from the wolf to Winifred. “I’m ready whenever you are. Don’t worry about me I’ll keep up.” He could tell the woman didn’t want to try and lug him around. He waited for her to turn and start back the way she came and followed a few paces behind.

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