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The Band Rocks Tanchico


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It felt as if it had taken years to reach this point, but Mehrin finally found himself standing at the gates of the city, only one in a long line of men and women, merchants and farmers, trying to gain entrance. There were others, too, but none of them would enter at the same time, and several more of the Band's infiltration group would be entering through other gates. "Stay separate, stay discreet, don't cause any issues. As far as we can tell, the Seanchan have not been confiscating weapons at the gate, but if they try, allow it. There's at least one former thief with the group, so it won't be a permanent loss. Again, and I can't emphasize this enough, don't do anything stupid! We're going to be too far out of the way to offer any form of support. The Asha'man with us will Travel the entire Band out of the area to avoid being scouted. You'll be on your own." Commander Alliatar's words still played in his head, and Mehrin once again found himself wondering if they were addressed to him, specifically. No longer a Band member, he had come at the request of the new Commander. Maybe she had wanted some extra muscle on this, or maybe another tactician- Yeah, right- but whatever the reason, here he was.


The line, though long, moved quickly enough, and Mehrin soon found himself at the portal into the city itself. There was something bothering him about the rapid movement of admittance, but there was no time to dwell on it. A man in segmented armor and a helmet that made Mehrin think of a beetle gestured for him to stop. "Big man, this one," he said, eying Mehrin up and down. With a sinking feeling, Mehrin suspected that the man was memorizing his description: brown eyes, short hair, scar across left eye, black leather cloak, hat, vest, large knife and bullwhip on belt, small knife in left boot, large claymore across back. "Care to guess my weight, as well?" Mehrin asked the man with a small smile. He didn't smile back. No surprise. From what Mehrin remembered of the last time he'd seen Seanchan, they didn't seem to have much of a sense of humor.


After he was satisfied with his mental picture, the Seanchan guard asked, "Your purpose in the city?"


That was an easy one. "I'm a bounty hunter. My services were hired by the High Lords of Tear. One of the Lords of the Land saw his mistress murdered, and several expensive pieces of jewelry were taken. I've followed a path of pawned jewels to here, and I hope to find the man here, too." As an afterthought, Mehrin added, "I passed through another town about a day back, and I swore the oath there. I obey, wait, and serve." That oath had been even easier than the lie. All it had taken was the maimed medic, Jehryn, dressed in rags and sent to the gate to beg. He reported back that people were made to swear at the gate if they had not already. Some of the infiltration group had been chosen to swear at the gates, others to claim knowledge of the oath. Nothing to link them all together.


The man considered his words. When he answered, it was after retrieving a small book from his belt and a bit of sharpened charcoal. "I'm making a note of your description, and I'm going to cycle it to the other gates. If you find your man here, make sure to check with the guard on duty as you're leaving. If you have your man, show him to the guards. If not, then tell them where you think he's going." With that, he waved Mehrin through into the city.


Just inside the gate, Mehrin noticed a couple of oddly-garbed women, one in a red-and-blue dress, and the other in a grey dress. The oddity came from the bracelet that the red-and-blue dress was wearing: it was connected by a leash to a collar on the woman in the grey dress. It tickled something in his memory. There were lots of stories after Bandar Eban in the Band, dealing with all kinds of oddities witnessed by the Banders during the battle. Maybe it was in one of those stories.


There was plenty of opportunity to wonder. On his way towards the central plaza, Mehrin saw two more pairs of women. They were standing on corners, as if they were looking for something. Definitely something to mention. Otherwise, the city seemed to be operating as usual. The markets were bustling, Men and women were walking the streets, sometimes crowded shoulder-to-shoulder as one of the insect-like Seanchan soldiers came past.


The only oddity was the King's Palace. It was a pile of rubble that was only occasionally visible. There was no word whether or not the king had survived the attack, and Mehrin had no idea what could cause a level of destruction similar to what he was seeing short of the Power. Another question for later.


The central plaza was huge, and while there were hundreds of people milling about, it still appeared empty. Just as well. Mehrin passed through the crowd to one of the fountains and sat on the edge. One of the Banders would be along eventually. "You will not command, Mehrin. You're not a Bander anymore, and I will not have a non-conscript commanding my men and women. Is that understood?" That had been said in private, only Salla and Mehrin. It grated a bit, but Mehrin understood. He would have said the same thing, once upon a time.


Besides, she had not once mentioned the paperwork.



OOC: Okay, boys and girls, here we go! :bandredhand:

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As Jaem sat in meditation, the events of his life flashed before his eyes. He joined the Band naïve in the ways of the world. He was young, eager and optimistic, even through his first few battles. At Tarwin’s Gap, barely old enough to be called a man, he killed his first Shadowspawn, believing himself a great hero. The first time he killed a man, he wept like a babe in his tent that night. In the White Tower he challenged Warders and held his ground, gaining the attention of some of the most powerful women in the world. Again he was told he would be a hero, and he believed it.


The next version of Jaem Caran was bitter and defeated. As a General in one of the most powerful armies in the world, he had gained the attention of the Shadow and became a target (though probably a low one) of the Dark One himself, or at least one of the Forsaken, either thought still sent a shiver through his spine. He defeated his assassin, but only barely. He gained a limp, and lost a hand, the Band, his lover, his child and himself. He spent the next five years in a drunken stoopor, barely living above the common beggar.


He came back to the Band to further his misery, but soon found a little of that old Jaem hiding deep inside of him. His name, as a symbol, brought him back up the ranks, all the way to the top. Even that wasn’t him. He was a soldier. Paperwork and logistics were for managers. Jaem was a leader of men. His best role was back in the Cavalry, on the front lines, sweating and bleeding with the rank and file. He had finally found his balance. Jaem Caran was a battle hardened optimist. He had no illusions of leading the fight against the Shadow, but he would fight it.


He stood and began his modified one-handed sword forms. The sword was much lighter than those that most people used, but the blade was stout enough to deflect all but the strongest blows. Though a strong man, Jaem had always relied on speed and skill anyways. There weren't many people in the world that could get that clean of a blow to power through his defense. He allowed himself only a quick workout today. Tanchio was less than a day's ride away and he meant to arrive while there was full light. He left the small village while the sun was barely it's own height over the horizon.


He had not bothered trying to hide the sword. There was nothing about him that didn't mark him as a soldier. To hide it would only be to invite unwanted questions. He picked one of the gates at random... the plan was to arrive seperately from all sides as to not arouse suspicion. "Your purpose in the city?" The Seanchan officer looked him up and down.


"Just a beaten down man looking for work, Captain. I obey, wait, and serve."


The Seanchan man nodded slowly. One one-handed man could be little threat to them, even with a soldier's look and a sword. Jaem was waved in and began his ride into the city. The central plaza was easy to find, even for one who had never been there. It took only a short search to find a man he recognized sitting on the edge of a fountain. He sat close enough to Mehrin so they could talk, but not so close as to seem to know him. "You too, eh?" Mehrin was the Commander when Jaem came back to the Band, and who Jaem followed as Commander. Not a bad man to be given this job. He stood and bowed as a group os Seanchan soldiers walked by. "Burn me, but I wish the rest would hurry. All this bowing and scraping is going to wear thin soon."

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"Bowing and scraping was never my thing," Mehrin muttered as he surveyed the crowd. Men and women were bustling about their business, entering the shops around the square, or haggling with the street vendors. One couple in an alley was embracing as if the world was about to end. That might as well be the case, if the plan goes to hell, Mehrin thought.


Another man approached the fountain, but walked to the other side. Nonetheless, the nod was enough to identify him. A third man had joined their little cadre. Good. Throughout the city, in smaller squares and in front of some of the more conspicuous buildings, other little groups like this one were coming together. All hopefully according to plan.


"I don't like this place," Mehrin said. "It feels off. Like it'll fall into the sea at any moment, or the whole city's going to explode, or something." Across the square, Mehrin spotted another Bander, a woman who was currently in a shouting match with a fruit vendor over the cost of a few apples. Given the general attitude of people that had left that stand in the time Mehrin had been at the fountain, this was nothing to be worried about. "I hope we can find this Calder soon. I don't want to be here when whatever is going to happen happens."


Apparently, the battle of the apples had been another great victory for the Band, and the woman was striding smugly across the square, presumably to the fountain in order to enjoy the spoils of war. A beggar had just entered the square, rattling a pewter cup in hope of a coin. A glimpse of a burnt face told Mehrin that a fifth member of their party was making his rounds. Gesturing with his head towards the man, Mehrin said to Jaem, "There's our burnt medic. He'll be in the square to pick up any stragglers. Did anybody pass a likely inn?"

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  • 5 weeks later...

Arinth scratched his beard as he waited in line. He tried to keep from fidgeting too much. The truth was that he was getting antsy. Knowing that he had to not act suspicious made it very difficult for him to not act suspicious. He didn’t know how to act normal. He tried to rest his hand on the hilt of his short sword but there was the chance that that might make him appear threatening so he crossed his arms and that made him look confrontational. With a growl he unfolded his arms and let his hands to the side but that didn’t work either. He folded them together but that just made him feel like a little girl. Before he could unfold them however he heard the guard call for the next person and he realized with a start that it was him.

He stepped forward quickly and then stopped just as abruptly when he nearly crashed into the guard. The man gave him a hard look.
“Have you been drinking?” The man asked.
“I wish I was.” Arinth said and forced out a laugh. The guard did not laugh. Arinth swallowed. He had been given very specific instructions on how to handle the guard and what to say and do and more importantly what to not say and do but his mind had gone completely blank.

“You will honor the peace?” The man asked though it sounded like more of a demand. Arinth bawled up his fist and was about to hit the man when he realized what he had asked. It was hard to understand the man with his accent. He thought he had said something else. Arinth looked at his fist awkwardly and then gently punched the guard in the shoulder.

“Oh that, well, ufff.” He started to say until the guard and caught him with the butt of his spear in the back of the knee.
“Kneel.” The guard said. “You may try to claim that you have spoken the oaths but I would have you do it again.”
Arinth looked up at him with a stupid look on his face. The guard sighed. He was quickly losing patience with him.

“I swear to obey, wait and serve.” The guard prompted him.
“I swear to stay, obabe and swerve.” Arinth said quickly and got up to his feet. He didn’t like swearing oaths he didn’t intend to keep and he probably would have messed it up anyways. He offered the guard his best warm smile. It wasn’t that impressive anymore with his flat broken nose. When the guard didn’t say anything he tried to move forward but the guard lifted his spear to block his path.

“I would have your sword.” He said firmly.
“But I will…um” Arinth began. The guard lifted an eyebrow and Arinth stopped, it was probably best not to tell him the bands plans. He was pretty sure that was one of the more important things not to do.

‘It will be in your best interest.” The guard said and held out his hand.
“I doubt that.” Arinth grumbled as he unstrapped his sword and handed it over to the guard. He was probably the only soldier to have a weapon confiscated. This was not a good start if he wanted to be the hero of the day.

He hurried to the nearest fountain in time to hear one of the men ask if anyone had passed a likely inn. He froze. It wasn’t just anyone it was Mehrin and Jaem. He was about to hurry off to another fountain when they noticed him. Better to stick where he was. He folded his hands together. Maybe they wouldn’t notice he didn’t have his sword.

Edited by Arinth
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  • 1 month later...

OOC: Meant to post this days ago, but I had the luck to experience what it's like to be violently sick in a bucket an entire weekend instead. So.


Aiakos could feel the large walls looming over him, the vast metropolis of Tanchico sprawling in front of him through the gates. The line in front of him dwindled as men, women and families reached the soldiers at the gate, and then continued through into the city itself. The young Bander nervously adjusted the three dead rabbits hanging from his belt, his eyes darting to the guards even though he tried looking steadily forward. He had another animal carcass in a sack over his shoulder, as well as a bow and quiver, and a skinning knife by his hip. If anyone asked, he was just a hunter entering the city to sell what he had killed. He hoped the guard did not know too much of hunting. There was certainly no other hunter Aiakos knew of that would enter a city controlled by the Seanchan to sell a measly three rabbits. It had been the only way he could think of that would ensure he got to keep his weapons, however. Besides, the guard by the gate looked as dumb as a rock. A rock that could kill you in a second, mind you. A rock that could kill you three times over before you had time to draw your knife.


”Your business in the city?”, the rock rumbled as Aiakos reached the gate, the monotone voice of a man asking the same question he’d asked a thousand times before. Aiakos glanced up at the soldier, his eyes pausing for a second on the unusual armor the man was wearing. ”I just be tryin’ to sell some of them here rabbits, m’lord” he said in what he hoped was a humble, slightly scared and slightly stupid voice. He looked at the ground, twiddling his hat between his fingers as he did so. Nothing said meek like a man twiddling his hat. He stood like so until the guard finally said: ”Alright. Have you sworn the oath?”


”The oath, m’lord?”, Aiakos asked. He did not like this part, because he did not like lying more than necessary, and he certainly did not like swearing any oaths he did not intend to keep. The guard looked at him with hard eyes. His mouth moved slowly, as if he was trying to make up his mind on something. Most likely whether he should take Aiakos’ weapons or not. ”On your knees” he said at last. ”Repeat after me. I swear to obey, wait and serve.” Aiakos did not like it, but there was little he could do. He got down on his knees and repeated the words. ”I swear to obey, wait and serve.” He told himself he would do all those things some time in life, so it was not REALLY a lie, but it sounded very hollow even to himself.


”Move along” the guard said, his attention already on the next person in the line. Aiakos got up quickly and entered the city. As soon as he was able he dumped both the rabbits and the sack in an alley. He did not want anything that would make him easily recognizable, and he could not help but wonder how many men walked the city with three rabbits on their belt. The hat went on his head, the brim of it shielding his eyes from the sun and unwanted looks. It was of a style common among the peasants of Mayene, but he doubted anyone knew that around here. It was simple enough, and hats didn’t look that much different from each other anyway. Most likely people would think he was just from the next village, or maybe even from Elmora, but it did not matter much. It would suit its purpose.


As he entered the central plaza, his eyes were drawn to a couple of hard-looking men sitting on a fountain. They did not look that out of place, but to Aiakos, who knew both the look of Banders and that he was supposed to look for them, they shone like beacons. He decided not to sit next to them, in case it would arise suspicion, so he walked over to a house opposite the fountain, casually giving the men a nod as he walked by, then leaned against the wall. Aiakos had given a lot of thought to how he would enter the city, and how he would avoid rousing suspicion, weighed alternative ways against each other. It was his first mission, and he did not want to make a fool of himself, or be killed for that matter. However, what happened next was unknown territory. He did not know what would happen, so for the moment, he settled to study the men by the fountain from the corner of his eye.

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As more Banders straggled into the courtyard, Mehrin looked at the ones gathered around the fountain. "Well, boys and girls, I'm going to make my way to an inn. If you want to stop by for drinks later, I'll be more than willing to buy the first round." With that, Mehrin set off into one of the smaller side-streets. There would be at least one follower who would relay his position to the rest of the group, and from there, the small cell to which he belonged would meet at his inn. From there, the plan was that Mehrin would have a chance meeting with a "merchant friend" and his small guard. It would give them a believable excuse to be seen together.


Finding a likely inn- one that was not on a main thoroughfare, but not so disreputable that a merchant would never stay there- was rather difficult, but with the patience of a man who has no choice but to be patient, Mehrin stalked the streets until he found one, an aged but clean place called the Panarch's Welcome. Good a place as any, he thought, pushing through the door and into the common room. As his eyes adjusted to the dim light, Mehrin quickly swept his gaze over the entire room. A strongarm with arms as large as Mehrin's legs- no mean feat- stood so still in the corner that even the average veteran fighter would have never spotted him. As it was, it took more than one glance to assure Mehrin that the brute was actually real. The rest of the crowd was... well, normal. There were no cut-throats, no card sharps, no pick-pockets, no would-be adventurers looking for a group.


It was the single most remarkable inn that Mehrin had ever visited.


From behind the bar, a rotund man favored Mehrin with a massive grin and a friendly nod of his head. "Make yourself at home, master, at the Panarch's Welcome! Can I get you anything?"


Returning the man's grin, Mehrin strollled to the bar. There was little dodging to do; the inn seemed mostly empty. Reaching back into his cloak, Mehrin said, "With a welcome like that, how can I refuse? I'm looking for a room for the foreseeable future. My business in Tanchico may take some time, and I'll need someplace from which to operate."


The man's welcoming grin faded slightly. "You're not... one of them Seanchan spy-types, are ya?"


Mehrin arched an eyebrow. "If I was, do you really think I would answer? I'm actually in town looking for a man in whom one of the High Lords of Tear has taken interest. Enough interest, in fact, to pay my rather high retainer fee."


The welcoming grin returned. "Ah, good to hear. I can put you up almost anywhere in the inn. Although there's technically no issue with entering or leaving Tanchico- outside the Seanchan questions, that is- business has been a bit lackluster lately. Can't complain too much, though," the man added as an afterthought. "It's only a little less than I'd like to see for this season, but nowhere near bad enough to break me."


Mehrin nodded. "Good to hear. I'll tell you what: how would you like to make up some of your losses? I need information, and everybody talks to the man behind the bar. I need word on a few disparate topics: people who don't want to be found, strange sales of jewelry or fine decorations, and this..." Mehrin slid a rough sketch across the table. It was a young man, wearing a scarf and a hat, with hair just brushing the nape of his neck. Below the picture was a brief description. "I want any information about anybody who might match this man's description. He's my primary suspect." Atop the picture, Mehrin placed ten Tairen crowns. "For your help, and your silence." With a suddenness that seemed to startle the innkeeper, Mehrin grinned again. "Now, let's see about a room and a meal. I'll take whatever you have, and cold milk for preference. If that's not possible, I'll take water." Leaving payment behind for the innkeeper, Mehrin walked to a table in front of the fireplace, now only smoldering coals, and sat facing into the glow.


The others should be making their way at any time.


OOC: Whoever wants to play the part of the merchant, you get to rent the private dining room. Anyone who wants to start trying to find anything interesting, go ahead.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aiakos carefully placed the bow string in the small pack on his hip. He'd thought it best to unstring his bow while he waited, both to spare the string and to allow him to use the bow as a walking stick. One had to take good care of one's bow, that was something you learned quickly as a hunter. Keeping the bow strung when he didn't plan to use it would have been plain stupid. It wouldn't be much good in the hustle of Tanchicos city streets anyway, and he didn't expect any trouble for a time yet. Besides, a walking stick would look less out of place in the subjugated city. Whatever you thought about the Seanchan, they had brought order to the city. That was one thing all rumours agreed on. Lawlessness was not tolerated. And you could tell that just by looking around; no one was going to make any trouble. Those that did were quickly dealt with, he'd heard.


Closing the pack again, Aiakos looked up. With a start, he realised the Banders were moving. One of them just left the plaza through a side-street, and Aiakos could see Banders around the courtyard casually starting to stir, none of them seemingly having anything to do with one another. Aiakos hesitated. He was sure he'd been told exactly what would happen, but he couldn't remember what that was. He'd been so excited that he would be one of those going into the city, he'd had a hard time concentrating on what the officer had told him. Surely they were meant to meet up? Yes, he remembered now. They were supposed to meet at an inn that was off the main streets. Glancing at the other Banders, he set off after the first man to leave the square.


The man was a big one. He looked as hard a man as Aiakos had ever met, and the young Mayener was glad he had the man on his side. He kept as far back as he could without losing sight of the giant, snaking through the alleys of Tanchico. Eventually, the man decided on an inn and entered. Aiakos looked up at the sign. The Panarchs Welcome. The sign was of a fat man kneeling in front of a finely clad woman. Most likely the innkeeper would claim that the event had actually happened sometime in the past, but Aiakos doubted it. He glanced up at the sign again and frowned. Why were all innkeepers fat? He waited a few minutes before entering through the door beneath that sign.


Aiakos spotted the innkeeper walking towards him, a less than welcoming look on his face. Fat. Just as I thought. No doubt the man didn't think Aiakos had the coin to pay, worn as his hunters outfit was. Aiakos raised his hand, cutting the innkeeper off before he could say anything. "A glass of your cheapest ale, please", he said gruffly. Well, the innkeeper wasn't far off. This place would likely suck him dry before he knew it if he wasn't careful. "Certainly", the innkeeper said reluctantly, giving Aiakos one last glance before turning around. As he did, Aiakos could see a smile returning to his face as he nodded to one of the other patrons. Scanning the common room, he quickly spotted the man he'd been following sitting in front of the fireplace. Aiakos made his way over. "Ho, friend! Care if I join you?"


OOC: I'm sorry for not following the plan with the merchant (I'm assuming both the merchant and his guards were meant to be members of the Band, yes?), but I realised Aiakos in his worn clothes would likely not make a very convincing merchant, and if we wait for the others to post we might have to wait forever. I hope Mehrin can think of some way to solve the situation when the real "merchant" does show up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OOC: Not a problem. If some of the others jump in, there's a hook for them to use if they want it. If not, they can be NPCs.


Shortly after a small meal and a large pitcher of water had been laid out on his table, Mehrin noticed a newcomer to the inn. He was dressed rather poorly, his clothes worn and dusty. The real giveaway, though, was the bow. It was unstrung, and he was using it like a thin staff, but Mehrin knew a weapon when he saw one. He also knew a green soldier when he saw one. Mehrin knew that several of the Band's raw recruits had been sent along for the mission; the general agreement was that this would not be a terribly complex task, so the younger crowd was getting a chance for some real field experience. Mehrin hoped it would be that cut-and-dried, but his presence did not do much to encourage that belief. For some reason, things seemed to go to hell whenever he was around. It was almost as if the Wheel contrived to have great events occur while he was present.


There was little time to dwell on the idea, though, as the young man approached his table rather rapidly. It was all that Mehrin could do to keep his irritation from his face. This was not exactly subtle, but Mehrin could not send the boy away without drawing attention. Stopping next to the table, the young man said, "Ho, friend! Care if I join you?"


It didn't take any acting for Mehrin to cast an eye across the inn, taking in every empty table in the common room with pointed looks, before returning his gaze to the younger man. "Getting away from the crowds, I see. Go ahead," Mehrin growled, allowing some of his genuine irritation into his voice. He didn't know this boy, but he was obviously a Bander, and even more obviously a new one. He's new to this. Take it easy. It's not like he's going to ruin the mission. Damn voice of reason. It always seemed to come up whenever Mehrin was working himself into a good rage. I can still try to drive him away with silence, though, Mehrin thought. If there was one thing that Mehrin could do well (that didn't involve killing people in several interesting and messy ways), it was silence.


As Mehrin failed to say anything to the newcomer, he mentally sized up the man. He was on the upper side of a medium build; the top of his head would be just even with the tip of Mehrin's nose if they were standing. His hair was darker than Mehrin's own close-cropped sandy blond hair (nearly half-silver, now, from years of stress and fighting), and his eyes were blue in comparison to Mehrin's near-maroon brown. The two were near-opposites.


With a sigh, Mehrin continued to wait.


OOC: Mehrin is not the most talkative person, by nature. Start any conversations you wish, though, and he'll talk. He's a bit cynical, and any talk of glory is a good way to get him going (but it won't be pleasant). We'll give everyone else a week, then I'll push the story forward.

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  • 2 months later...

Obey Wait and Serve...bloody stupid if you asked Zander. These fool Seanchen thought that the oath would hold to all the people of these lands. Zander had said it when coming in, but an oath to people who invade your lands is the same as an oath from the Dark one. Spiiting Zander decided to move on. He arrived ahead of the main party as Zander was to scout the city for the Band's arrival. Zander had been watching in the shadows as the Band filtered in through the gates. Flamin new recruits, don't know thier sword from their own....Zander's thoughts were cut short as he noticed Mehrin come in. His old commmander who had left the Band was now back. This brought a smile to his face. Now I won't be stuck with having to care for the recruits. It was good to know they had sent one of if not the best fighters Zander had ever seen. Zander waited as Mehrin and the other banders headed off to the inn and followed. After waiting outside for about an hour Zander headed in and sat at a table in the corner by himself and ordered a pitcher of ale and gave the serving girl a smile and a gentle pat on the backside. Zander hadn't shaved in awhile..(a feat repeated fairly often when away from Camp.) So he wasn't sure if anyone from the band would recognize him except for the 2 short swords he carried on his back and his "charming" attitude may give him away.


Zander studided everything and everyone in the bar. Trying to keep from others attention but the urge to talk to his old brother in arms was too much. But he didn't want to draw any attention that the Banders were gathering so he did the most logical thing he could think of. Finishing his pitcher Zander stood up and crossed the room right behind where Mehrin was sitting and bumped into his chair. As the big man turned around to face him Zander looked at him and said "Hey meathead...I don't like your face!! Watch where your going!!" which of course made no sense as Zander bumped into him but things like that mattered little to him. As Mehrin stood up Zander played the coy fool looking up at the man pretending to be afraid (though as Zander knew from "painful memories" from training he was a man Zander would not want to anger) Zander met his eyes for a brief moment before saying "next time I won't be so nice." And headed to the bar to speak to the innkeeper to get a room and another pitcher of ale. "Anyone bloody one wanna lose some coins." Zander said hauling out his dice slightly weighted but no one had yet noticed. Zander headed back to his table and waited for any takers.


OOC: Just a little tune up it's been awhile...Glad to be back.

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