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RP Planning: Murandy RP

Visar Falmaien

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I have had this rp idea for a while but am finally getting around to posting it. Here's the scoop:

Murandy: a land of many lords and ladies feuding for power. In this land rife with civil turmoil, brigands, murderers, and thieves roam freely across the countryside, terrorizing the land and its helpless people. These two fiefs are not far from the Andoran border, north of Murandy.

Locked in a bitter rivalry with another Lord, one audacious Lady calls upon the White Tower for aide in settling the dispute and helping to restore her lands to stability, lest other nobility, from Murandy or Andor, move in to intervene with their own armies. Only our fair Lady has less than honest intentions in calling in the Aes Sedai, and unknown to either Lord or Lady, their children are desperately trying to mend the gap between their houses for their own reasons. . .

The White Tower answers the call for aide with an envoy party, not knowing the situation is more complicated than what they've been led to believe.

So, we have several TTPC characters, as yet to be named, that I'd love to have any possibly Freelander participation for! I will put an (!) to the ones that I'd prefer to be filled, though one person could, if they wanted to, fulfill multiple roles. In order of appearance in the rp:

1. The Lady (!)
2. The Lady's daughter
3. A disgruntled farmer-turned-bandit (!)
4. The Lord
5. The Lord's son (!)

And if you have Freelander PC's and think they might be in Murandy, the more the merrier! Contact me (Visar) by pm if you're interested and I'll let you know a more detailed summary of the rp plan so you can submit a TTPC bio and be up to date on things.

Thanks, and let me know if you're interested!








Practical Information for this RP




RP: Intrigue in Murandy


Jac Hargrave: bio - Lord's Son - TTPC written RP'd by Sieve and Mystica


Damon Hargrave: bio - Lord - TTPC written and RP'd by Sieve and Mystica


Leanolle Arman: bio - Lady's Daughter - TTPC written and RP'd by Arlow


Camiline Arman: bio - Lady - TTPC written and RP'd by Eqwina


Pelian Nirdon: bio - Bandit Leader - TTPC written and RP'd by Arlow

Edited by Mystica
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello All!

Thank you so much for offering to participate (or help plan) in this rp, I'm sure it's going to be quite exciting!


All we need to do is be on the same page as when things happen, and get our TTPC bios in. I'm going to set a deadline for TTPC bios to hopefully be done by. Let's say, at the latest about a week an a half from now, on Sunday, March 20 (give or take a time zone)? Since they're freelander characters, I would send them to Mystica, or rather the freelander bio e-mail.


For our TTPCs we have in order of appearance:

Lady, either myself or Eqwina

Lady's daughter, played by Arlow;

Bandit Leader, played by Arlow

Lord, played by Sieve

Lord's son, played by Sieve.


And our White Tower delegation consists of:

Jagen Sedai's Gray sister who is officially in charge;

Phelix's Blue sister who is a consultant and concerned with the cause of the people of the land;

Kathleen Sedai's Green sister who is a consultant regarding how to deal with the bandits and violence;

and Visar Falmaien, a (grumpy) Warder assigned to the mission (against his will haha) by his Aes Sedai


So that is our merry band! The delegation will post throughout the arc, the Lady and lady's daughter will be up first and last in the arc; the bandit leader after them, then the lord and lord's son, and ending with the lady, lady's daughter, lord's son, and bandit leader at the end when things are sorted out.


I'll post this on the thread as well for reference, and then I'd encourage posting the TTPC bios once they're approved on this thread as well for easy access.

Thank you and of course let me know if you have questions! We'll start in about two weeks or as soon as we're all ready, on say the 21st or 22nd.

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I also had an idea for his character Drayik to be a soldier in the service of our most nefarious and cunning Lady, that way he could start at the beginning of the rp and follow the Envoy "as an escort to assist in bringing the lord to justice" (the lady's spin on things anyway) as they discover the truth.


But sure, you're welcome to play wherever you think suits you best.

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Ok so here's our team:


I'm not sure if Jagen Sedai will be able to be the head of the White Tower envoy? I have heard that she stepped down from the Gray Sitter position and is rather busy, so unless I hear from her otherwise, I'll assume she doesn't have time? Hope she does well with her RL stuff!


In lieu of that, I think Phelix's blue and Kathleen's Green should be in joint command of the expedition, both Ajahs concerned about the potential for violence and unrest in the region and all too happy to try to help. So we have the two Aes Sedai, then we have Visar tagging along as warder extraordinaire :P


And for our first scene these three encounter:

Our Lady whose intentions are not what they seem (Eqwina)

Our Lady's daughter whose motivations are also different (Arlow), and

The Captain of their Guard, Zander's freelander character.


Then after that scene is over, the white tower envoy plus Zander will go meet first,

Arlow's bandit leader, and then head over to,

Sieve's characters, the Lord and his Son.


And then from there the fun happens :P


So what I want is for the TTPC bios (preferrably the Lady, Lady's daughter, and bandit leader) to get done as soon as possible, hopefully by this weekend at the latest. Sieve you'll be ok to be a bit later since your characters don't have to start off right away, though perhaps you could rp a letter from the Lord to the Lady that she reads to us or something.


I also want our main teams of peoples (Eqwina, Arlow, and Zander) and (Phelix, Kathleen, and Visar) to get together on pms or IMs or whatever and knock heads on how they'd interact just so we're sure we're on the same page. Also might want to do that for the Lady's daughter and the Lord's son. And of course if you have any questions at all feel free to pm me I'll get back to you within a day or two at most.

I'll update this once I know some names of characters.


(Ozymandiaz) "I want a name! Give me a name!"

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Sorry for the slight delays guys. I'd like to share some info I was discussing with Arlow with him making his bio (I want Sieve and Eqwina to look at this too to see if it's good material)


One fact discussed in pms is how do the lord's son and lady's daughter know each other. That's for you guys to discuss surely, I just wanted to suggest the following:

They were fostered away from their parents (and away from their dominating influences) in Lugard where they met. Then when they were teenagers they were sent back to their respective parents for differing reasons (I'll leave that to you, parents dying perhaps or another reason)


And as to why the Lord and Lady are fighting in the first place, here's a long rant about it that I pm'd with an idea. Basically it boils down to their ancestral inheritance: the land used to be controlled by just them, but then two nobles split (their grandparents) and it was down to whether the father's choice of heir was the heir, or the mother's children by the father and their descendants were the rightful heir. Hence, the Lady tending to rule in an eldest child style of inheritance, boy or girl, versus the Father ruling with a paternal (eldest son, if a daughter is older she is not an heir) style of inheritance.


That is a good question which I should have thought of before LOL. Let me make something up...

How bout inheritance? That's always a hot issue.


So I think our issue spans a couple generations back, say, with the lord and the lady's grandparents, so the lady's daughter and lord's son's great-grandparents say (lord and lady's grandparents roughly).


The great-grandparents were married once, didn't get along at all as some arranged marriages go, but then divorced over a huge scandal; the husband was in general a well-known scumbag to his family and people, and the wife understandably cheated on him but was caught in the act (a sad double standard, women have always had it worse for infidelity even today, though it's better than it was). They then split their land in two parts because no one could agree who was to inherit and what would happen with the children that they had already had (as well as ones by later marriage).


The "grand"lady was able to take all of her kids which rankled the grandfather, the father took most of the land at first, but lost some when the Lady's kids by him inherited since they had the greater claim to all of it. Yet the Grandlord's kids by his second marriage he chose to inherit his lands, so they had a big fight over which kids had the legitimate right over the middle slice. They eventually settled on it being roughly half and half. The Grandlord's offspring followed the paternal eldest tradition of inheritance; the Grandlady the eldest sibling, male or female. The Grandlord had a bit more land than the Grandlady usually and had better farming land, but the Grandlady's borders were more easily defended and had a better trade route to Lugard and other places.


Enter their grandchildren and their perspectives.


Our current Lord, descended from the Grandlord's second marriage and their eldest son, feels that his grandfather was screwed over big time; after all, he was the guy, he deserved choice of the inheritance according the paternal inheritance tradition (I would imagine Murandy has this issue split and it would be a big cause of their disunity because no one can agree), especially since his wife cheated on him with another man and should forfeit that right. So, from his perspective, he and his son (Sieve's characters) deserve all the land and it's worth fighting over.


On the other hand, our current Lady (Eq hopefully) has been brought up to think her sort of grandfather (the lady's daughter and the lord's son would be second step-cousins I think? something like that? I don't know how that works) as a villain, and she feels that she has the right to all the land as the legitimate eldest heir of the original pair's children. There's that middle strip of land that they've always been fighting over, and both the Lady and Lord are preparing for absolute measures in order to achieve what they want: a unified fief with just them under control and their choice of heirs.


Their children however, are disillusioned with the whole fight, like each other, and want to unify the land with a marriage but their parents don't take them seriously.


(I'm gonna post this on the boards this is useful stuff!)

If that looks like a good idea, great! These are just suggestions you can take or leave any of it if you want.


So basically, they're fighting because both believe that they have a legitimate right to the land that is currently split in half, and they have fought each other about the issue so much that they hate each other and won't agree to have their children married to each other (even though that's the logical solution), not to mention they've ruined the lives of their subjects as a result with high taxes, raids on each other, and negligence.


So let me know what ideas you guys had, and see if that adds to it, or if you have other ideas that will work as well; I'm all ears and eager to help you guys with ideas since this is originally Kathleen and I's rp idea, but I'm flexible to let you guys figure it out too I don't want to be too pushy.

Sieve, Eq, I'd love to hear your perspective and look at what you've done with your TTPC bios so far. And it would help my brain to have names for these peeps X_X

Edited by Visar Falmaien
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Awesome, this will help tremendously. I was wondering how we were going to approach this and it seems like a great reason for animosity between the lord and lady as well as a reason for the son and daughter to have met.


Here are names at least:


Lord - Daemon Hargrave

Son - Jac Hargrave


I'll get their bios done asap.

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Here is a bit about our Lady. :rolleyes:


Name: Camiline Arman

Age: 42

Appearance: Her hair is a light brown that falls past her shoulders, but is often swept half pulled back away from her heart shaped face. She has full lips, but an almost severely pointed nose giving her a permanently haughty expression. She is slightly above average height (5’6”) and thin. Her posture is impeccable and she always makes sure her clothing is in perfect condition. \

Personality Traits: Hardline, confident, uncompromising, strict, cunning, crafty, intelligent

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Don't forget to send your bio's to the freelanders email address for approval when you have them written up. The sooner we get them in the sooner they can be approved and the sooner we can get this RP underway. This is a major RP for the non TTCP characters and affect the character's future, so we are itching to get it underway.

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When you guys do send them in make sure to state your handle, which RP you are requesting to use your TTCP character in and the role the charactor has in the RP..sorry for not mentioning this stuff before. It makes it easier for the bio checkers to keep things straight.

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Sieve, who did you pm your TTPC character to? I didn't get it.



FREELANDERS TTPC characters should be sent to the FL Email account: FLDiv@dragonmount.com




For FL so far I've only received one TTPC (Eqwina's), which will be processed tonight or tomorrow, depending on my time.

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Gotcha' Sieve, was worried that I missed it somewhere :)



Btw everyone, the big ass line was not meant as a reprimand. Just making sure everyone spots it (to avoid you all having to send the bio in twice lol).


Got the Lady's, the Bandit Leader and Lady's Daughter received so far. I'm processing them now.

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