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Advanced Saidar Attn Nesyer


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Advanced Saidar: Lesson One


The Autum morning was brisk and the wind howled outside Lavinya's windows rattling the glass close breaking. Lavinya wrapped the sapphire blue woollen shawl tighter around her slim shoulders and closed the shutters. The action brought even more darkness into the already dim room. The Gray sighed and took out more candles and torches from a chest and lit them to keep cast some light into the room. How she hated this drab weather when she was forced to close up her quarters and invite the gloom. Bright daylight was far more preferable. She would be teaching Accepted Nesyer Advanced Saidar today. She had sent a summons for the girl with a lazy looking novice quite some time ago. It seemed that the novice had gotten lost along the way. Lavinya moved the candles to a spot where they would light the room better, dropping some wax on her royal blue velvet dress as well. Lavinya tskd and brushed it away with a touch of air and spirit. She had aways been rather vain, and a lesson with even an Accepted made no difference. Her riotous red curls were gathered in a delicate net dotted with sapphires, with a few tendrils bouncing about her face, and her dress was elegantly cut if somewhat low in the bodice, and elaborately embroidered in silver. A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts and she bade the girl to enter.


“Good morning, Nesyer!” Lavinya spoke when the girl in white stepped into her rooms. “I will be instructing you in Advanced Saidar.” She said, as though the girl didn't already know. “I’m Lavinya Morganen of the Gray Ajah, please take a seat.” Lavinya waited until Nesyer rose from a curtsey before waving her to an elegant chair by the fire. “I’ll be teaching you once a week. The week in between to let you rest and practise and better the weaves you have learnt here. I generally prefer to conduct lessons in the gardens, but unfortunately today the weather does not permit it. Next week, perhaps." Lavinya seated herself opposite the girl and shook out her skirts so they fell neatly about her ankles. "Why don’t you tell me a bit about yourself before we begin.” Lavinya at last offered her a smile before passing Nesyer a delicate cup of tea. She actually enjoyed teaching, regardless of how she may complain about the inconvenience.


When Nesyer finished speaking, Lavinya set aside her own teacup and started the lesson. “The first topic is using an angreal. I’m sure you know what angreal are already. Today you will learn to use one of them.” Lavinya said indicating the basket between them that held several small figurines, weak as far as angreal went. She picked a small Ivory carving of a rose, her favourite. “I prepare myself to embrace saidar,” Lavinya did so, “and reach through the angreal to the True Source.” Lavinya demonstrated slowly so that Nesyer could see exactly how it was done. “Now I’d like you to pick an Angreal and practise using it. Try as many times as you feel like it, but I want you to get it right three times at least. If you have trouble I’ll help.”


Lavinya let Nesyer try to use the angreal as many times as she wanted, largely watching in silence but offering quiet words of advice as necessary, until she was happy that Nesyer had mastered the skill. “The second weave today will be linking. A common technique of the Age of Legends, linking allows several flows to combine, thus increasing the overall strength and precision of the flow. A group that is linked is called a circle even when it is only two people. And so it is with us today. To link, you must first open yourself to Saidar. Embrace the Source, but hold yourself at the point of embracing, the brink of surrendering. This is usually simple to achieve with practice but many do tend to have trouble with it. If this is the case with you, not to worry, we have all day to practise.” Lavinya reassured with a smile. Everyone had trouble at first. Some more than others... “Go ahead, child.” Lavinya waited for the Accpeted to ready herself. “The woman in control of the link joins to bring the flow from you and join it to the whole. Just like using an angreal I embrace the Source through you.”


Lavinya opened herself to saidar through the Accepted and let Nesyer observe that the glows around Aes Sedai and Accepted had merged when they linked. “It’s tiring to link but the benefits are great. There are stranger effects to being linked. A sense of closeness and feeling the emotions of other people in the circle as if they are your own. For Instance I can sense that you only had time for a quick breakfast and would not mind a bite more to eat.” Lavinya shot a wry smile at Nesyer. “As you noticed, you can’t stop me channelling through you since your flows are controlled by me. Only the woman in control of the link can dissolve it. I must warn you that linking is awkward with most women at first. All the more reason to practise and practise!” Lavinya nodded and let go of the link and the glow of Saidar disappeared. Now it’s your turn.” The Gray Sister motioned and opened herself to Saidar and waited for Nesyer to take control.


Some time later,Lavinya called a halt to the practice. "That’s enough. You’ve done well. I will now be explaining our next weave – shielding. Listen closely as this weave will most certainly come in handy even if you are not aspiring to the Red. Shielding prevents a channeller from touching the Source. I’m sure you can see already how this is both useful – and dangerous. Let me demonstrate.” Lavinya said and wove Spirit heavily on Nesyer, pushing the Shield in place. “Try to channel,” Lavinya instructed, knowing it was impossible. “While I’m holding the shield it’s very difficult to break it. However, if I tie off the weave-“ Lavinya tied the weave, “you can break it more easily. With time and patience you can undo the knot that holds the weave and the shield will break. Unless you are unfortunate to be shielded by me or another like me - I have a talent for shielding, meaning my shields are harder to break through, though even the most basic shield is difficult to escape. We do not have time to even begin teaching you that though, and besides my talent would make that lesson nigh impossible for me to teach alone.”


Lavinya allowed the shield to dissipate and continued the lesson. “It’s possible to shield someone who is already channelling, but it’s more difficult than to shield someone who isn’t holding saidar or saidin.” Lavinya paused for a moment, “Please embrace the Source.” The accepted did so. She looked a bit nervous, anyone would after having felt the shield on her. Lavinya hated the feel of a shield on her, and the dark memories that surfaced along with it. But she forced herself to endure the Shield every now and then, as part of her research. “I’m shielding you now,” Lavinya wove calmly and carefully and a sheer wall slid between the Accepted and the Source. “Did you see that?” Lavinya asked, and when Nesyer nodded Lavinya quickly dropped the Shield. “I know awful, but you can have your revenge. You now get to place a shield on me. Both when I am and am not channelling. Go ahead.” Lavinya said and eventually felt the shield on her. It caused her old fears to resurface, but not a glimpse of it showed on her serene features.


When Nesyer had practised enough Lavinya let the class continue. She was glad the Shield was off her and had to fight the urge to grap Saidar and draw on the power to diminish the feeling. “The next weave is called Sleep. A newly discovered weave and not one that you’ll be familiar with. It’s simple enough; I draw out several thick threads of Spirit, and lay them on my victim.” Lavinya pulled out a small cage holding a tiny white mouse. She deftly wove the threads around the mouse, making sure to cover it’s head entirely. The mouse slumped to the floor of the cage. Lavinya had not wanted to use the weave on Nesyer as when falling asleep she might have missed some crucal part of the making. Lavinya let the weave go. The mouse kept on sleeping. Lavinya opened the age and poked the creature. It opened it’s eyes and made for the exit. Lavinya closed the latch again and the mouse was left caged. “The target of the weave doesn’t stop sleeping as soon as you let the weave go; you’ve put the victim to sleep and they’ll stay there until she wakes up of her own accord, or something happens. Practise this weave on the mouse and don’t worry, it wont be harmed by this practise.”


”The last weave you’ll learn is Delving. You’ll see healers use this constantly. The weave lets you find any injuries in the target’s body so you can heal them.” Lavinya laid fine threads of Spirit into an intricate weave which she passed through Nesyer. “You have a paper-cut in your left thumb,” Lavinya told her as she let the weave drop. The Accepted turned her hands and nodded. “Alright, time for you to practise Delving me.” When the girl had found what was needed Lavinya made an end to the lesson telling the Accepted to practise the weaves out of class. “Same time next week.” She said before the Accepted vanished through the door.


Lavinya Morganen

Gray Ajah


Ooc: Write your character practising the weaves in detail. Not just what your character says or does, but what she thinks, what she feels, and what other people would notice about her. Does she use hand gestures to match the weaves she’s using? Feel free to NPC Lavinya if you need to. I’ll try to get the next lesson up after you have posted. Have fun!

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Nesyer hurried down the corridors and up one more flight of steps before stepping with a small sigh of relief into the Gray Ajah Quarters.  The fool novice - The Light burn HER - who had been sent to get her had taken her bloody sweet time to give her the urgent message that she was to report to Lavinya Sedai immediately.  Nesyer had grabbed a few sheets of flying parchment from the table top, brought along a few books, and rushed out her her room.  At times it still stunned Nesyer to realize that she was an Accepted now and had her own rooms to herself and her studies, although the rooms were certainly not filled with luxury.  Her mirror had been slightly faded from long use, and one of the chair legs was a bit loose, and the bed was certainly stiffer than usual, but still softer that what was usually found in the novice quarters.


Out of her room, her dark brown-red hair swirling in the winds that were moaning down the corridors through the windows, she walked quickly, but with a sort of grace that any Accepted would envy.  Whenever she looked through the windows, dull light shone through, revealing a overcast sky, grey and threatening to rain, leaves fluttering past on occasion.  It was cold enough to freeze water, and Nesyer would not be surprised if rain, hail or even snow came through the windows next.  Shivering slightly, Nesyer walked towards the room she knew would be Lavinya's - she had been here before - and knocked, the wind tugging at the banded hem of her dress and playing with her hair, and it was with relief that she entered, looking like she had just been involved in a brawl of some sort, her hair a mess as it was, and her face red raw with the cold.


“Good morning, Nesyer!” Lavinya spoke when the Nesyer stepped into her rooms. “I will be instructing you in Advanced Saidar.  I’m Lavinya Morganen of the Gray Ajah, please take a seat.  I’ll be teaching you once a week. The week in between to let you rest and practise and better the weaves you have learnt here. I generally prefer to conduct lessons in the gardens, but unfortunately today the weather does not permit it. Next week, perhaps." Lavinya seated herself opposite the girl and shook out her skirts so they fell neatly about her ankles. "Why don’t you tell me a bit about yourself before we begin.”


Nesyer seated herself onto a chair next to the fire, which was roaring, and gave off enough heat to warm her despite the lingering cold in the room, and turned to introduce herself.  When she had finished speaking, Lavinya continued, sipping at tea, whilst her voice continued, now brisk and focused.  And when she spoke the next sentence, by the end of it she had Lavinya's full attention.   “The first topic is using an angreal. I’m sure you know what angreal are already. Today you will learn to use one of them.”  Nesyer leaned forward, her eyes wide.  She could use angreal?  They were highly treasured in the White Tower, and they were rare enough in the world.  What would it be like to hold more Saidar than you could now?  Nesyer shivered at the thought, whether from fright of being tempted, or anticipation from the ecstacy, she did not really know.


Lavinya then drew an Angreal from the basket beside her, an ivory rose all white and shades of grey and brown.  "I prepare myself to embrace saidar," Lavinya did so, "and reach through the angreal to the True Source.  Now I’d like you to pick an Angreal and practise using it. Try as many times as you feel like it, but I want you to get it right three times at least. If you have trouble I’ll help."  She offered the basket to Nesyer, who almost jumped up and grabbed the basket from her hand there and then, but restrained herself with powerful self control.  She took the basket, and waited until she was sure she would not succumb to temptation, looked inside the basket with great delibrate slowness, and closed her eyes.  She put her hand into the basket, and fished around for an Angreal that seemed appropriate.


Drawing out a random Angreal, she opened her eyes, and saw a great white falcon in flight, poised to swoop.  Her eyes gazed adoringly at the carving, painted white, beautiful as it was.  Nesyer smiled and closed her eyes again, embracing the source and probing at the Angreal, trying to see what Lavinya meant.  Suddenly, with a burst of insight, she realized what Lavinya was saying.  It was an abstract concept, but understandable nonetheless.  Nesyer released the source, and felt for the source, through the Angreal, and drew the Source through the Angreal, with the Angreal as its guide, its controller, and the Power flooded through her, almost as much as she could normally hold, and that was only drawing on a small part of the Angreal's capabilities.  She pulled through as much as possible until she could not pull in any more.  The amount of power she held stunned her to the very core of her existance.  It was up to nearly 3 times as much as she could normally hold.  Her eyes glowed white with the power that ran through her.


"That's it Nesyer.  Pick another angreal and try again."


Nesyer sighed and released the source, and the enhanced senses faded from view.  Then she fished around in the basket and picked up another angreal, a woman carved in amber, hair flowing down to her waist, her face serene and smooth, with a hand raised in a gesture in forbearance or greeting.  Nesyer smiled, then drew at the source through this angreal as well.  Power flooded into her, not as much as before, but close.  It was a weaker angreal.  It seemed that not all Angreal were of the same strength of capabilities.  But there was something she wanted to try, that she thought might be theoretically possible.  Releasing the source, she drew the Power, from one angreal, into the other angreal, into herself.


Power flooded into her, more than both combined.  Her eyes throbbed with its power, and her mind was one shining light brighter than anything she had ever seen.


"That's enough child.  It's time for you next weave that you have to learn."


Nesyer sighed, and let go of Saidar, and put back the angreal.  The mundane colourless life crashed into her, and she jerked slightly in response to the sudden dullness of her senses.  She looked at Lavinya slightly reproachfully, but waited for Lavinya to continue, which she did.  "The second weave today will be linking.  A common technique of the Age of Legends, linking allows several flows to combine, thus increasing the overall strength and precision of the flow.  A group that is linked is called a circle even when it is only two people.  And so it is with us today.  To link, you must first open yourself to Saidar. Embrace the Source, but hold yourself at the point of embracing, the brink of surrendering.  This is usually simple to achieve with practice but many do tend to have trouble with it.  If this is the case with you, not to worry, we have all day to practise." Lavinya reassured Nesyer with a smile.  "Go ahead, child."


Nesyer readied herself, opening herself to the brink of touching Saidar.  Light!  It was hard, especially after using the Angreal, not to open herself to the Source while she was so close to touching it.  Then suddenly, Lavinya embraced the source, and the source also flowed through Nesyer into Lavinya.  Suddenly, Nesyer found that there was a sense of emotions at the back of her head.  Lavinya's emotions.  "It’s tiring to link but the benefits are great. There are stranger effects to being linked.  A sense of closeness and feeling the emotions of other people in the circle as if they are your own.  For Instance I can sense that you only had time for a quick breakfast and would not mind a bite more to eat." Lavinya shot a wry smile at Nesyer, who blushed to her toenails.  "As you noticed, you can’t stop me channelling through you since your flows are controlled by me.  Only the woman in control of the link can dissolve it.  I must warn you that linking is awkward with most women at first.  All the more reason to practise and practise!"


Nesyer nodded in understanding at the torrent of information that was coming, and registered it all.  It wasn't too hard to understand.  Just as an Angreal couldn't control what Nesyer did with the power it supplied her, Nesyer couldn't control what Lavinya did with the power that Nesyer supplied her with.  As for practicing, Nesyer would do so with Nenen.  Wilemi hadn't been raised yet, it was a pity she refused the test twice.  She might have been able to shed some light on this matter later with her constant research in the library.  Then suddenly Lavinya released the source, and Nesyer suddenly wasn't holding the source any longer either.  Her eyes widened at the sensation of suddenly being cut off from the source without warning.


"Now, it's your turn."


Nesyer immediately embraced the source, and remembering what she had done with the angreal, drew Saidar through Lavinya while embracing the source herself.  Lavinya smiled encouragingly.  "That's it Nesyer.  Your doing fine.  Now try to channel."  Nesyer channeled several strands of Air and Water to snuff out the fire.  The fire went out without even a flicker.  Then Nesyer channeled it alight again, and the fireplace blazed merrily, hotter and stronger.  Nesyer gasped.  Even with the same amount of power, the flows were more effective, more precise.  Linking truly did have its benefits, even though Lavinya mentioned that it was somewhat tiring.


"That’s enough. You’ve done well. I will now be explaining our next weave – shielding. Listen closely as this weave will most certainly come in handy even if you are not aspiring to the Red. Shielding prevents a channeller from touching the Source. I’m sure you can see already how this is both useful – and dangerous. Let me demonstrate." Lavinya said and wove Spirit heavily on Nesyer, pushing the Shield in place.  Nesyer was slightly nervous, although the Shield had not done anything to her as of yet...  "Try to channel."  Nesyer reached out to the True Source, and it was as if her head hit a glass wall that was far beyond impenetrable.  The True Source pulsed, radiating warmth and comfort, but it was blocked by the weave of Spirit that Lavinya was holding.  Nesyer reached out with her mind, and pushed against the barrier, while at the same time calling the One Power to her.  The shield dimpled slightly inwards, stretching somewhat.  But that was all.  With a sigh, Nesyer let go of the attempt and rubbed her head.


"While I’m holding the shield it’s very difficult to break it. However, if I tie off the weave-" Lavinya tied the weave, "you can break it more easily. With time and patience you can undo the knot that holds the weave and the shield will break. Unless you are unfortunate to be shielded by me or another like me - I have a talent for shielding, meaning my shields are harder to break through, though even the most basic shield is difficult to escape. We do not have time to even begin teaching you that though, and besides my talent would make that lesson nigh impossible for me to teach alone."


"Now,"  Lavinya said, releasing the shield, "It’s possible to shield someone who is already channelling, but it's more difficult than to shield someone who isn’t holding saidar or saidin.  Please embrace the Source."  Nesyer complied, though she shifted her feet nervously, filling herself to bursting with Saidar.  Lavinya wove that same weave of Spirit, which settled on her, sliding through her connection with the True Source like a dam cutting off a river.  Nesyer's eyes went wide at the flow from the One Power diminished, then stopped.  "Did you see that?" Lavinya asked, and when Nesyer nodded Lavinya quickly dropped the Shield.  "I know it's awful, but you can have your revenge. You now get to place a shield on me. Both when I am and am not channelling. Go ahead."


Nesyer looked at Lavinya, and hesitated.  Shield an Aes Sedai?  But the Aes Sedai said to do so, so she wove the weave, drawing on Spirit in moderate amounts, not as much as she could draw of yet, but it was enough to make the weave.  Spirit spun through Spirit lace with Spirit, her spinning began to take the form more complicated yet more precise than the finest and most complex design of silk or lace.  Since this was her first time, she was slow, to make sure that she had gotten the weave correct.  Thread after thread swept down from the sky without paused, settling in place perfectly.  Finally, when it was ready, it settled onto Lavinya, who shiften slightly, the only display of discomfort that she showed on having the shield on her.  Nesyer then let go of the weave, and Lavinya said.  "Now, when I'm embracing the Source."


Nesyer watched as Lavinya embraced the source - not much - and wove the weave again, much faster this time.  The flows of Spirit now coming down faster and faster, until it seemed that they simply appeared where they were woven, as fast as she wove them.  Taking shape once again into the weave a second time, Nesyer concentrated and shoved it against Lavinya.  The shield wavered and buckled and severed her halfway before Lavinya drew in more of the source and pushed the shield out.  "Use all of your strength, Nesyer."  She said, with the faintest hint of a grimance on her face.  Nesyer drew in more of the Power, until life filled her, till Saidar was like water about to overflow and spill over.  She slid the shield onto Lavinya.  It slid all the way, then Lavinya frowned, and the shield buckled, then broke as Lavinya pulled the Source and shattered the shield at the same time as the flow broke through past the barrier between her and the Power.


"That was good child.  This time, use an Angreal."  Nesyer took the angreal shaped like a falcon, and drew more of the Power.  It flooded into her until her eyes glowed white once more.  Drawing on every shred of the Power she could master, she wove the flows thicker, much thicker, then slid it gracefully between Lavinya and the Source so that Lavinya would not experience such a sudden shock as the Power was suddenly cut off.  Lavinya tested the shield and nearly broke through, but as Nesyer was about to feel that the shield was about to break, Lavinya stopped and smiled, though it seemed slightly forced.  "That was very good Nesyer."  Nesyer smiled slightly at the compliment and released the source, and the shield on Lavinya disappated.  Lavinya nodded slightly in thanks.


"The next weave is called Sleep. A newly discovered weave and not one that you’ll be familiar with. It’s simple enough; I draw out several thick threads of Spirit, and lay them on my victim."  At this, Lavinya took out a cage with a white mouse in it.  Nesyer blinked and suppressed a slight shudder.  She disliked rodents, although this mouse seemed very small and very harmless.  Suppressing an urge to sigh, Nesyer watched, with interest despite herself as Lavinya wove fine threads of Spirit, spinning them together with a speed tempered by age and skill.  Nesyer watched with some envy.  She hoped to weave as fast and as fine and as precisely one day.  The spinning completed itself, and the weave touched the mouse, which instantaneously fell asleep.  Nesyer almost expected it to snore.


"The target of the weave doesn’t stop sleeping as soon as you let the weave go; you’ve put the victim to sleep and they’ll stay there until she wakes up of her own accord, or something happens. Practise this weave on the mouse and don’t worry, it wont be harmed by this practise."  Lavinya said, with an encouraging smile.  Nesyer smiled back slightly at her, then concentrated, determined to learn this weave as best she could.  Fine threads of Spirit emanated themselves and spun them around into the precise weave and touched the mouse.  The mouse shuddered, then fell asleep.  Nesyer smiled, then grimaced as she stretched her hand in and poked the mouse awake again.  The moused squeaked and ran into the cage door as Nesyer latched it firmly shut again, shivering slightly.


"Very good Nesyer."  Lavinya said, nodding at her.  "You are doing well so far.  Next, it is time for you last weave of the lesson for today.  It is called Delving."  Nesyer's eyes widened in anticipation and excitement.  She had heard of it, and knew about the weave.  And today, she was finally about to learn it!  "You’ll see healers use this constantly.  The weave lets you find any injuries in the target’s body so you can heal them."  Lavinya laid fine threads of Spirit, Water and Air, into an intricate weave which she passed through Nesyer, who felt a chill run through her body at the sensation, like as though a bucket of water had been upturned over her.  "You have a paper-cut in your left thumb," Lavinya told her as she let the weave drop.  Nesyer blinked, turning her left hand over and staring at it in awe.  Never had she imagined that this weave could be so sensitive.. "Alright, time for you to practise Delving me."


Nesyer embraced the source eagerly, and started to weave.  The weave had been burned into her mind by her excitement, eagerness and concentration.  She wove the weave with confidence, and a speed that she had rarely exhibited except when it came to Healing Weaves.  Finally, when it was almost complete, she directed the weave at Lavinya.  Nesyer felt a sense of ... connection between her and Lavinya.  She could feel Lavinya's body, its hurts and its responses.


"Excellent child.  You have mastered today's weaves.  However, I want you to keep on practising on your own.  Same time next week, Nesyer!"  Nesyer turned at the doorway, curtsied, and left, much food for thought.

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Lesson 2


The next week Lavinya took Nesyer to the gardens. It would be much easier to have this lesson outside as Lavinya did not want to clean after the mess of what today would have in store. The sun was bright in the sky already and warmed the chilly day so that the women would not catch their death in the coldness. Lavinya had wrapped her emerald green velvet cloak around her firmly though it still managed to flap in the wind. She had brought with her a basket holding angreal, warm tea and bread. There was no need for either of them to suffer.


“The first weave I’ll show you is a raincloud. First you’ll find the moisture in the air with threads of Water,” Lavinya channelled to demonstrate, “and thicken it so it isn’t vapour any more, but pure water, and gather it with Air and Spirit. That’s how a cloud usually forms.” Lavinya pulled the threads together in a mound that hovered just above her outstretched palm as she continued speaking. “You’ll then use Fire to release the moisture in the form of rain.” Lavinya sank threads of Fire into the cloud and shivered as cold drops of rain spattered onto her hand. The cloud was about a foot in diameter and hovered over her hand. Lavinya used a hint of air to send the small cloud to rain on Nesyer’s feet before letting the weave go. “You have to be careful with this weave, and not just because you’ll get soaked, but because forcing rain will affect the weather of this area for a long time. This weave should not be used on a large scale as results could be devastating to everyone. Affecting weather causes nasty side effects you have no control over when your weaving is through.” Lavinya paused and shrugged, “That’s why I made a tiny cloud of my own instead of causing one of those monsters overhead to rain. Practise this weave please. Keep your weaving small and remember to try to keep your clothes partly dry at least. We wont be returning inside for quite some time and it’s needless for you to catch a cold.” Lavinya waited patiently for Nesyer to practice the weave, guiding as needed.


”The next weave I’ll be teaching is creating fog. Watch closely! I weave Water and Air into the atmosphere around me, making it thin and spread out,” Lavinya channelled thin threads of Water and Air for a distance around her, “and add a tiny amount of Fire to warm it, creating fog.” Lavinya did so neatly and delicately. Fire was not one of her strong points but she had spent many evenings as accepted and a full sister practising to at least increase her skill where her strength lacked. “The amount of fog can be easily altered, like this;” Lavinya drew in her threads of Fire until the edges of the fog cooled back to vapour, and contracted the fog around her. “I’d like you to practise this weave please. Again, remember to keep your weaves small and easily manageable.”


After some time in the misty fog Perine moved the lesson along. “Next I’ll show you how to Weave the Winds.” Lavinya walked to a large maple tree and indicated Nesyer should follow. “Watch carefully.” Lavinya embraced the Source and channelled a great deal of Air. The amount of Air was not that difficult to channel as Air was one of her strongest elements, like with most Aes Sedai, but the weave was intricately woven together with Water threads as well. Lavinya called a great gust of wind which swished leaves off the tree and made them dance round Nesyer. “It takes strength in Air to make strong winds. You may not have that strength at the moment or perhaps will never have that strength. When you practise, don’t make it any stronger than I just did lest you hurt yourself.” Lavinya smiled at the Accepted and watched attentively as she practised Weaving the Winds herself, ready to step in if she had any trouble. “We’ll be moving onto more Air weaves now. The first one we’ll tackle is Bridge of Air.”


Lavinya lead Nesyer to the pond. “This is where we’ll be practising. I’ll dry out your dress at the end of the lesson if you’re soaked.” Lavinya grinned at the Accepted having her own excitement at this weave show. “This weave uses entirely Air.” As she spoke, Lavinya spun out several thick threads and began to lay them into a pattern. “Everyone does this weave differently. You have to find a way that comes the easiest to you.” Lavinya completed the weave and laid it into place across the pond. “Care to try?” When the Accepted looked doubtful, Lavinya stepped calmly on the glowing strands of saidar and walked across the Bridge to the other side of the pond. The edges of her long cloak glided on the face of the water as the bridge was built very low, but her shoes did not get a drop of water on them. Lavinya let the weave drop. “Your turn. Try bridging one corner of the pond or if you feel like risking it, make it all the way cross, but just remember you will have to walk on the Bridge to see if it holds.” Lavinya grinned at the girl and stepped aside to let her have a go at the weave. Lavinya remembered failing in the weave miserably when she had been Accepted. She had planned on proving to herself that she could do it. That she would do it. And fallen into the pond in the middle of winter and having to spend weeks in the infirmary to rid her of the fever. She shook her head at the memory. Some things you just have to learn the hard way, Perine Sedai had told her, refusing what she saw as unnecessary healing.


When Lavinya decided that Nesyer had had enough practise and ensured the girl was dry, she called Nesyer back to continue to the last weave. “The final weave we’ll be covering today is Air Shield. This is a very flexible weave. For instance it can be used to block a punch,” Lavinya flung a small shield of air on top of Nesyer’s face and threw a punch at her. Her fist never hit Nesyer, but the girl reacted by drawing back. “It can be used to block an arrow, a fireball, a collapsing house if you’re strong enough- and so on. The weave is adaptable and can be done in many ways but this is the basic framework.” Lavinya wove a large shield such as she would have used against a mounted opponent and allowed the Accepted to examine it. Lavinya showed it’s worth by kicking and punching it once more. “Let’s see you practise this.” Lavinya said and let Nesyer make the Shield. When she had managed to gather the shield more fluently, Lavinya surprised the girl by throwing a cloud of water to rain on the Accepted, having the girl protect various areas if she wanted to keep dry. She kept the practise going for a while until they were both covered with drops of water.


“That was all for today. Let’s get you warmed up and inside from the cold before it’s too late. I’ll see you next week again!” Lavinya hesitated a moment, before smiling warmly, "And Nesyer, you are doing well child, keep up the hard work and you will do well."



Lavinya Morganen, Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah


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Today's lesson would be in the gardens of the White Tower, and though the day was gusty, with winds bordering on gales howling down the corridors, rattling doors and jerking windows.  As she walked down corridors, Nesyer noted several novices scurrying throughout some part of the corridors, chasing down pieces of paper and parchment, trying to catch them while curtsying to Accepted and Aes Sedai alike.  Some novices had stopped to help and joined the melee, sometimes nearly causing a mass blockage on the corridor before an Aes Sedai or Accepted put an end to it.  Nesyer shifted her white cloak such that the wind would not touch her as easily, but her face was a rose-red after the chill winds over the past week, as was with many of the other Accepted, and the novices of course.


Her long hair streamed down behind her as she went through the side gates in the Tower, towards the gardens, where she had at times been tasked to rake leaves from the pathways.  Nesyer remembered those times well, and had treasured her time in the gardens too.  They were a place to be serene, calm, with only the rythimic scratching of the rakes to disturb the peace and quiet, the trickle of streams winding their solitary ways through the gardens, the crystal clear ponds, glass-like under the calm sky, with lapping waves when a stray breeze filtered through the trees, causing them to bend and sway, with rustling leaves, music to her ears.


And so she saw Lavinya, seated on a bench, with an emerald green cloak around her, with last week's basket beside her.  Sniffing the air slightly, Nesyer smelled tea and bread, and smiled gratefully inside.  She would need tea sooner or later out in this wind, although the bright sun did warm up the place somewhat, whatever warmth there was was usually snatched away by sporodic bursts of winds and gales that tossed twigs and branches.  Curtsying to Lavinya, she was waved to sit beside Lavinya, who started to teach at the moment.  "The first weave I’ll show you is a raincloud. First you’ll find the moisture in the air with threads of Water," Lavinya channeled to demonstrate, strands of Water emanating from her in a complex and intricate weave, "and thicken it so it isn’t vapour any more, but pure water, and gather it with Air and Spirit. That’s how a cloud usually forms."  Air and Spirit swept out and mingled with the flows of Water.  The air around Nesyer seemed to grow damp and moist, and despite the cold, Nesyer started to break out in humid sweat.  Mist began to form over Lavinya's palm, then coalasced into a small cloud which hovered.


"You’ll then use Fire to release the moisture in the form of rain."  Lavinya said, channeling thin threads of Fire into the cloud, which then turned grey, seeming to chill, and drops of water started to patter down from it onto her upturned palm.  With a flow of Air, she sent a tiny breeze that wafted the cloud over to Nesyer, causing the rain to drip onto Nesyer's feet.  The moisture soaked through the slippers she wore and soaked her toes before Lavinya banished the cloud and looked at her seriously.  "You have to be careful with this weave, and not just because you’ll get soaked, but because forcing rain will affect the weather of this area for a long time. This weave should not be used on a large scale as results could be devastating to everyone. Affecting weather causes nasty side effects you have no control over when your weaving is through." Lavinya paused and shrugged, "That’s why I made a tiny cloud of my own instead of causing one of those monsters overhead to rain. Practise this weave please. Keep your weaving small and remember to try to keep your clothes partly dry at least. We won't be returning inside for quite some time and it’s needless for you to catch a cold."


Nesyer nodded, and then wove the flows required.  Water fanned out as far as the eye could see, and moisture gathered, concentrated, and Nesyer felt her skin almost start to break out in sweat as she wove Air and Spirit, duplicating that of Lavinya's, gathering all the moisture, thickening it further, until it formed a large cloud over them.  Nesyer realized that if she released it above them, they would get soaked, and so, with the remainder of her ability in Air, pushed and wafted the cloud towards the nearby pond.  When the cloud was over it, Nesyer unleashed her ability with Fire.  Lightning crackled throughout the cloud, striking the surface of the pond, and Nesyer flinched as the cloud opened itself into a downpour, static crackling throughout the cloud, and hitting the pond, causing drops of fizzing water to hit the ground near them.  One of them landed on her knee, and static shot through it.  She flinched and lost control of the source involuntarily.  The cloud thinned, then a sudden freak gust tattered the wind and tore the cloud to shreds.


"That was a nice display of your abilities, Nesyer, but do try to exert fine control over the cloud."  Lavinya said, not a bit wryly.  "Try again, with more precision this time."


Nesyer blushed, although Lavinya had not said it in a cutting manner.  But she did it again.  This time however, the threads of Water were not so prominent, and the moisture gathered with Air and Spirit was only just enough to make a cloud of any significance, though it wasn't as large as the previous one.  However, she outstretched just a trickle of her ability for Fire, and the result was a thin release of mist.  "Try a stronger flow, Nesyer."  Nesyer looked at the flow of Fire with trepidation, then thickened the flow of Fire.  Immediately, the amount of rain increased until it became a steady downpour.  The pond was now swelling with the increased rain, overflowing until it nearly touched Nesyer's shoes before she released the weave and waves lapped, just touching her slippers and soaking her toes.  She lifted them and wriggled them as Lavinya watched with some barely concealed amusement.


Nesyer looked at the pond, then wove a flow of Water, and then, as the lake churned and boiled, it rolled backwards along with the weave.  Another flow of Fire created a cloud of steam from the pond that hissed and boiled.  The white steam floated upwards, hissing and dissapated fast, cooling rapidly in the chill autumn afternoon.


Lavinya nodded approving.  "That cloud brings us to our next weave.  The next weave I’ll be teaching is creating fog. Watch closely! I weave Water and Air into the atmosphere around me, making it thin and spread out," Lavinya channeled thin threads of Water and Air for a distance around her, "and add a tiny amount of Fire to cool it, creating fog."  Nesyer watched, smiling in wonder as tendrils of mist swirled and coalaesced in lower air, thickening rapidly, aided by the chill temperature, yet at the same time, being torn to pieces by the wind, bits of it breaking off and churning and disappating in the wide expanse of air.  Nesyer also marvelled at the intricacy of the weaving.  Skill was more important here, especially in a thin fog like this.  The fog was small, but not inconsiderable.  If it grew larger, it could probably be used as a tool to hide people.


Nesyer knew that now it was her turn, and so she duplicated the weave, with thin tendrils of Air and Water shining faintly in the air.  It was as delicate and as intricate a weave that she had learnt as of yet during these lessons.  Nesyer smiled as she spread the moisture out, distributing it, thinning the atmosphere until it was almost more difficult to breath.  Then, she channeled Fire, thin strands, barely visible.  Around her immediate vicinity, small tendrils began to coalesce and form, and merged together, to cover her form with a grey sheen.  Lavinya's figure faded to an indistinct shadow.  Nesyer's face broke into a smile that no one could see through the fog.  Then, she poured more and more power into the weaves of Fire, and the fog spread out, she could feel it encompassing more and more, growing larger and larger as the Fire chilled the air and increased the reached of the fog.  However, the winds that blew against the Fog penetrated quite some distance inwards, bringing clear cold air to Nesyer's face from time to time.


"Very good Nesyer."  Lavinya said, her voice sounding hollow through the mist.  "Now try to thicken the mist.  I think you can figure out how to do so."


Nesyer nodded and said, "Yes Lavinya Sedai."  Then, she studied her weave.  Increasing Fire only seemed to increase the size of the Fog.  However, to thicken the fog...  More moisture!  Nesyer knew that that was the key.  But how to increase the amount of moisture in the air?  That was the problem, until she saw the flows of Water and Air.  That was it!  She had to increase the amount of Water in the weave.  Drawing on more of the Power, she channeled it into her flows of Water.  Immediately the area chilled further, and Nesyer felt damp sweat break out on her forehead.  Whiteness swirled and thickened as the fog grew heavier, seemingly pressing down on her shoulders.  Even the frequent gusts of wind could not break it apart.  Finally, she could see nothing but pure grey.  Lavinya's voice rolled through the fog.  "Good work Nesyer.  That's enough practice for Fog weaves."


Nesyer beamed, releasing the source.  As the weave dissappated, now the fog was no longer sustained.  The winds that tore and battered at it punched a hole through the core of the fog, from one end to the other, sweeping her black hair as though attempting to pull the roots of it out from her head.  Her accepted dress fluttered in that angry blast, the banded hem being fluttering obviously as the gardens gradually came into focus.  Lavinya sat there serenly, her eyes giving Nesyer a sense of approval.  "Come here child.  I supposed the Fog has chilled your bones.  Have some hot tea.  Here."  Lavinya poured a steaming mug and handed it to her.  Nesyer nodded, and took the cup.  The fog had indeed chilled her, and the steaming mug was an appropriate remedy, to prevent her from getting a cold in the wind.  Nesyer shuddered with the heat of it, and sighed, her breath turning into white mist in the cold.


When she had sufficiently warmed up, Lavinya smiled at her.  "Now it is time to show you how to Weave the Winds."  Lavinya walked to a large maple tree and indicated Nesyer should follow, which Nesyer did, standing under the shade of the tree, leaves fluttering down. "Watch carefully."  Nesyer watched as Lavinya embraced the Source and channeled.  Flows of Air were melded together with a skill that Nesyer marvelled at and envied.  They shifted while being woven, and through them Nesyer could see some flows of Water intermingling with the Air, less than the flows of Air, but still prominent enough in the weave.  As Nesyer watched, the winds rose to Lavinya's beckoning, following the weave's each and every shape and move, swirling around, forming eddies, blowing leaves of trees and picking up twigs.  Lavinya shifted the weave to become a circle around her, and the winds whirled about in a column, totally surrounding her, from head to toe.  Lavinya channeled further, and a great blast of wind blew half the leaves off the tree, and surrounded her, obscuring her vision.


Then Nesyer felt more than saw Lavinya release Saidar, and the winds died, and the leaves fell into a pile surrounding her up to waist high.  Nesyer looked at Lavinya, stunned, whilst Lavinya smiled at her gently.  "It takes strength in Air to make strong winds. You may not have that strength at the moment or perhaps will never have that strength. When you practise, don’t make it any stronger than I just did lest you hurt yourself."  Nesyer nodded in understanding, then embraced the One Power


Stretching out her arms, she drew upon all her strength in Air, then threaded them together delicately, occasionally calling upon threads of Water as well.  As she wove, weaves sweeping down from the sky, the winds twisted themselves to her beckoning.  The winds howled and moaned around her, but they touched her not, for she controlled their each and every moment, and they touched nothing she did not want them to touch.  The spinning was slightly more complex and required higher dexterity and skill, and precision, otherwise the winds might react in a way that no one could predict.  Nesyer's eyes narrowed as the weaves swept down and the leaves were swept up by the wind.


She realized that her wind, however, was chilling her, even though it did not touch her.  It bore the faintest traces of winter, which was a season she dislike for its lack of warmth and its harshness.  Frowning, she improvised and added thin strands of Fire to her weave just so, at the same time completing her weave.  The winds grew stronger and with more substance, but the wind was now warmer, as she had known that it would be.  She surveyed her handiwork with obvious satisfaction bright on her face.  Nesyer smiled as the winds tossed up leaves, twigs and larger branches, as they followed the winds, dancing in a complex pattern through the trees.  Laughing slightly at the pure joy of being in the open, feeling the caress of the wind on her cheeks and tugging at her hair, she tweaked the weave, changing the direction of the wind, and the leaves danced along with the breeze as it howled and moaned through the treetops.  With an outstretched hand, she took one of the Angreal in the basket, drew through it, and channeled all the power into the weave.


The weave flared in existance, far brighter than before, bright enough such that she had to look away from it.  But that was the least of her problems.


The wind, which had from now been blowing gustily at her skirts, became a howling gale far stronger than the winds that Lavinya herself had summoned.  She suddenly felt herself bearing the brunt of a wind so strong that she had never encountered the like of it before, although there were several occasions over her years that had come close.  Gasping, Nesyer released the weave and Saidar with shock, then sighed, looking down dismally at herself.  Her skirts were now quite rumpled with the force that it had been blown, and several twigs and branches had scratched it slightly.  Her hair, when she felt it, was not in much better condition, with leaves and thin twigs tangled in it.  Lavinya watched her with a slight smile of amusement on her face, and when Nesyer saw it, she blushed a scarlet crimson that would have outdone any sunset.


"We’ll be moving onto more Air weaves now. The first one we’ll tackle is Bridge of Air."  Lavinya said, pointedly ignoring Nesyer's blush, which made Nesyer slightly more embarrassed still, but she shrugged it off and returned the Angreal to the basket.


Lavinya lead Nesyer to the pond.  "This is where we’ll be practising. I’ll dry out your dress at the end of the lesson if you’re soaked."  Lavinya grinned Nesyer, who looked back at her, startled by this outburst of friendly emotion.  "This weave is comprised entirely of Air."  As she spoke, Lavinya spun out several thick threads and began to lay them into a pattern.  "Everyone does this weave differently. You have to find a way that comes easiest to you."  Nesyer nodded as the weave fell into the place over the pond.  Then Lavinya looked at her, a smile tugging at her lips.  "Care to try?"  Nesyer looked at the pond dubiously.  How could something that she could not see hold her above water.  Especially since a mistake might leave her sick with cold in this chill autumn season.


Lavinya then glided onto the pond, and stood just over the surface, her skirts swishing, then walked right over the pond to the other side, all while nearly touching the water, but not quite.  Her shoes, Nesyer noticed, were perfectly dry, and not a thread of Saidar had been used to clean them.  Nesyer considered the weaving before Lavinya let it go.  "Your turn. Try bridging one corner of the pond or if you feel like risking it, make it all the way cross, but just remember you will have to walk on the Bridge to see if it holds."


Nesyer nodded, then wove the weave as dexteriously as she could, covering on corner of the pond.  She tied off the weave, then stepped on it cautiously.  It held.  She put more of her weight down on the foot slowly.  The invisible bridge held.  She then stepped onto the bridge, her full weight on the bridge.  It held.  She jumped up and down on it, hard, her feet making loud thumps on the invisible bridge, causing a few small ripples in the lake.  The bridge held.  She walked over to the other side.  The bridge didn't move at all.  It didn't shifted.  It just stayed.


Nesyer's eyes brightened in elation, then her eyes fell upon the pond again, and she considered it with bright brown eyes.  Then, releasing the first bridge, she wove another bridge, but this time is spanned across the whole pond instead of just a small corner.  Sure of herself, she smiled and stepped on the bridge.  But just as she was at the center, the bridge started to drop.  Panicking, Nesyer ran over to the other end and jumped as the bridge collapsed.  Instinctively, she curved her body into a dive, and she hit the water, which cleared her head immediately.  She came up, gasping and freezing, as weaves of Air solidified around her and she was raised onto dry land, where she stood, water dripping from her dress making a puddle on the ground and soaking her already drenched feet further.


Lavinya looked amused.  "That was a nice attempt child."  she said, weaving Water and draining all the moisture out of the clothes and her shoes.  Her hair too was now dry.  In fact, the weave had gotten rid of all the extra moisture.  She looked at the weave and memorized it for further usage.


"The final weave we’ll be covering today is Air Shield.  This is a very flexible weave.  For instance it can be used to block a punch," Lavinya flung a small shield of air on top of Nesyer’s face and threw a punch at her.  Her fist never hit Nesyer, but Nesyer drew back, somewhat apprehensive.  "It can be used to block an arrow, a fireball, a collapsing house if you’re strong enough- and so on.  The weave is adaptable and can be done in many ways but this is the basic framework."  Lavinya wove a large shield such as she would have used against a mounted opponent and allowed the Nesyer to examine it.  Lavinya showed it’s worth by kicking and punching it once more.  "Let’s see you practise this."


Nesyer studied the weave for a few more moments, then spinning the flows rapidly, cause the flows to fall into place perfectly into the weaving.  A cool feeling spread rapidly through his body as the air chilled slightly, and a shield appeared, tinged slightly blue.  With a smile, Nesyer touched it.  It held.  Then she wove a fireball and threw it at the shield.  The fire skittered off the shield and disappeared with a hiss.  Nesyer smiled and looked around.  Then there was a thunderclap and a shower of rain.  Nesyer yelped and threw the shield over herself, protecting herself from the rain.  Then the rain ducked around, controlled by Lavinya, and started to rain on another part of her, her back.  Nesyer adjusted the shield accordingly, looking at the rain cloud, until all Lavinya's attempts to make the rain cloud rain on her.


"That's for today.  Let’s get you warmed up and inside from the cold before it’s too late. I’ll see you next week again!" Lavinya hesitated a moment, before smiling warmly, "And Nesyer, you are doing well child, keep up the hard work and you will do well."


Nesyer started, then beamed at Lavinya's compliments.  Curtsying deeply to Lavinya, she hurried off to her studies.

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  • 2 months later...

After a week had passed Lavinya was once more sitting in the familiar classroom awaiting Nesyer to arrive to the third class of Advanced Saidar. She did not have to wait long for the girl to show up. “Good morning Nesyer, and welcome to the third lesson of Advanced Saidar! Today we’ll go straight into our first weave which erases fatigue. It’s a useful weave to know, so pay close attention! I will demonstrate it first.”


Lavinya embraced the True Source and crafted an intricate weave of Spirit with a little Air and Water over Nesyer. Running this weave through her victim, Lavinya gathered the fatigue from each muscle and the strain from her body, and drew it into herself. Lavinya released the Source and almost gave out a yawn; the accepted had been very tired, and her exhaustion made Lavinya feel herself smaller and weaker than a moment ago. “Your task is this. Draw the fatigue to yourself. But don’t draw too much. There’s still a lot to do and I cant have you sleeping away entirely. If you want more practise I can erase the fatigue and you can try again as many times as you need.” Lavinya sat back watched as Nesyer started to practise. Soon she felt the weariness return back to the girl and then back to her as the Accepted practised. When the girl said that she thought she had it under control, Lavinya moved the lesson forward.


“The next weave we’ll tackle is Minor Healing. If you are heading for the Yellow, watch carefully! This is a weaker version of the usual healing weave and can heal scrapes, bruises, small cuts and so on. “ Lavinya did not really like using Healing weaves on such small injuries. She generally considered her time far too important for such trivialities. “For today’s lesson I have asked some help, as I don’t have nearly as many bruises and cuts for you to practise on. “ There was a knock on the door and some bruised up Tower Trainees entered the room.


“Please try to concentrate at least a bit on the weave also.” Lavinya muttered softy so the Accepted heard but the men not. Lavinya smiled and gestured for the first to come to her. The rest lined up waiting. They had been informed of what the lesson brought so needed no explanantions. The man had a black eye bruised very badly. “Watch closely,” Lavinya reminded her student, and wove a delicate net of Spirit threads with Air and Water interwoven. She passed it through the young man’s black eye as one hand slid carefully over the bruised flesh. The weave focused on the injured area and Lavinya gently coaxed the bruises to heal. The blood drained, the bruises vanished and when Lavinya touched the cheek gently the young man nodded to show that he felt no pain. “I’d like you to practise on these men. Remember your subjects are alive and will scream if you hurt them. I will be watching very carefully; the target should feel no pain but only a slight chill. Go ahead now.”


Lavinya observed as Nesyer went to work. The Accepted could practise healing all kinds of wounds as it seemed the men had been careless on purpose knowing that the wounds would be healed today.


Lavinya let Nesyer heal all the men in the room before she let them go. It took her less than an hour. “The penultimate weave for this lesson is called Circle of Silence. I weave a dome of mixed Air and Water,” Lavinya did so, “and strengthen the whole with Spirit. This is a complex and delicate weave which you may not be skilled enough to do. I then place the dome over the subject.” Lavinya dropped the weave lightly on top of the girl. The Accepted flinched as the weave covered her and said something, Lavinya judged by reading her lips that she wanted to know what the weave was. No sound came out. Lavinya let the weave dissipate. “This could be useful if there’s a lot of background noise and you need to talk to someone. You’d place a Circle of Silence on the both of you and all noise would be excluded. It could also prevent a criminal or miscreant from hearing what you plan to do with him.”


After Nesyer had practised the weave for some time, perin moved on the lesson. “The last weave we’ll be looking at is Mirror of Mists. This weave is used to alter someone’s size or appearance although the closer you stay to the true appearance, the more efficient the weave will be.” Lavinya picked the mouse from the cage once more and placed it on a table. The mouse shivered of fright and dared not move. She reached for saidar and wove strong threads of Air around the mouse in a framework, overlaid with a delicate lace of Fire & Water to give the distinctive light twisting property, and a generous addition of Spirit to strengthen and bind the weave together. The mouse shimmered and was suddenly an a few inches larger and had a brown coat instead of the white it had been before. Lavinya placed a hand on the mouse to tap it and appeared to sink her fingers right through the mouse’s flesh to demonstrate that it was actually no taller at all; “If I were to make this mouse appear seven feet tall, she still wouldn’t bump its head on the mouse hole, and the fact that it disappears into the wall would give you to suspect that it was hiding her true appearance. So the more you keep to the natural appearance, the less anyone would suspect. You probably won’t be able to alter the finer details like eyes and hair, that is advanced work. So you’ll begin with altering the appearance of your own skin. Hold out your hand in front of you and try to turn your skin a shade darker, or lighter than its natural colour. Then you can practise on the mouse again.”


This was one of the most difficult weaves of the class and she expected the Accepted to have some trouble with it also. The basket of Angreal was waiting on the table at the front to be used. The mouse had been changed smaller, larger, wider and thinner before Lavinya let Nesyer go. “Same time next week. Dismissed!”


Lavinya Morganen


OOC: I know, I suck I'm so late, but I promise the next (and final) class won't take me nearly so long! And yes, even though it's technically only 4 posts from you it will be more than enough for the req :)


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  • 1 month later...

Nesyer was relieved that their lesson was taking place in the cool but thankfully unwindy room of Lavinya's main room.  The autumn winds, or gales, rather, had been enough to give her a particular headcold so bad that she had had to seek Healing from it.  Her herbs most certainly would not do, for she needed to keep up with the intense coursework.  Perhaps after her Raising for Aes Sedai would she have enough time to recover normaly.  But as an Accepted, she was far busier than she would normally be, and so, she required Healing.  One of the Yellow Ajah had been all but willing to oblige to her request.


But the Healing had left her tired before she went to Lavinya's lesson, and she nearly stumbled all the way up the stairs to the Grey Ajah Quarters.


Knocking on the door, Nesyer curtsied to Lavinya before sitting down on one of the chairs.  Smiling, she watched as Lavinya delved into her first weave.  "Good morning Nesyer, and welcome to the third lesson of Advanced Saidar! Today we’ll go straight into our first weave which erases fatigue. It’s a useful weave to know, so pay close attention! I will demonstrate it first."  Nesyer sat bolt upright.  This weave was a Healing weave, paying particular attention to Lavinya, she watched carefully as Lavinya embraced the source and channeled.


Spirit mingled with touches of Air and Water threaded through.  The main backbone was certainly Spirit, with touches of Air every here and there.  An intricate weave that Lavinya wove and touched her.  When the weave touched her, Lavinya felt all her exhaustion drain away.  Not all at once, but gradually.  As Nesyer watched, the weave was withdraw and Lavinya, she saw, seemed to become more tired.  Her brain moving quickly, she deduced that the fatigue itself was being drawn to Lavinya.


"Your task is this. Draw the fatigue to yourself. But don’t draw too much. There’s still a lot to do and I cant have you sleeping away entirely. If you want more practise I can erase the fatigue and you can try again as many times as you need."


Nesyer nodded, the fatigue gone, and channeled.  Life and joy filled up in her, exhileration flooding as she channeled the first Healing weave she had learnt so far.  Spirit flashed through the air, sweeping from the sky, even as Air and Water joined it.  After some momentary consideration, she decided not to improvise.  It was said that experimenting with Healing was dangerous.  Nesyer was determined to try, but when she was Aes Sedai and of the Yellow Ajah.  As the weave seemed to shift into completion, Nesyer placed her hand on Lavinya's outstretched arm, and mentally drew back the fatigue from Lavinya.


Releasing the Source, she stumbled slightly and had to sit down heavily on the nearby chair for a short while.  Lavinya placed her hand on Nesyer and drew back the fatigue, until Nesyer reembraced the Source, and channeled once more, drawing less fatigue this time.  Yawning slightly, she clung onto the Source to give her some more energy, and after a short while, felt herself recover somewhat.  And so the dance continued, Nesyer practising on Lavinya, whilst Lavinya withdrew the weariness from Nesyer everytime so that Nesyer could practise once more.  All until Nesyer thought that she would be able to weave it when she was half asleep.  It wasn't too complicated, nor did it require much strength anyway.


"The next weave we’ll tackle is Minor Healing.  If you are heading for the Yellow, watch carefully!  This is a weaker version of the usual healing weave and can heal scrapes, bruises, small cuts and so on."  Nesyer leaned forward eagerly, brushing away strands of hair that were blocking her vision.  There was a knock on the door, and Nesyer, annoyed by the interruption, turned to see who could possibly have the gall to interrupt them in the middle of the lesson.


Several Tower trainees came in.  It was not the fact that they were boys that made her stare.  But it was more of the fact that she had been wondering why on earth that they were covered with bruises and cuts.  She wondered why and how they had managed to sustain such bad injuries.  Lavinya, apparently misreading her expression, murmured a reprimand, though she smiled slightly, apparently understanding her thoughts.  Lavinya embraced the Source and channeled again.  This time however, the weave was stronger and complicated, much more so than that of the weave to remove Fatigue.  But it, Nesyer judged, was still easily within the range of her abilities.


Lavinya's hand touched the skin just below that of the eye, even as her weave touched the man, passing through the eye slowly.  Nesyer watched, amazed, as the bruise that had been so evident started to fade into nothing.  The eye grew less red, the flesh retreated, and the pouchiness that usually denoted fluid was receding, until the eye turned back to its normal appearance.  Thrilled, Nesyer watched as Lavinya touched his cheek, asking whether he felt any pain.  The nod that the man gave made Nesyer excited.  She wanted to try this.  It was the first step to become a Sister of the Yellow Ajah.  She so wanted to join them.


"I’d like you to practise on these men. Remember your subjects are alive and will scream if you hurt them. I will be watching very carefully; the target should feel no pain but only a slight chill. Go ahead now."


Nesyer nodded impatiently.  Weaving slowly and carefully, she beckoned to the man, who looked at her, smiling.  Nesyer met the stare impassively until his smile faded and he stretched out his arm.  Nesyer looked down and saw a bruise to rival the one she saw before.  Laying a finger on the bruise, he shuddered slightly, and she ignored it.  The weave was placed onto the bruise, and the swollen flesh faded back to its normal colour.


She went through the men one by one, diagnosing them with a Healer's skill and ability.  A deep cut on the leg, a scrape on the chest, most minor things.  However, there were some more serious cuts that she used the weave on, and there was a scar remaining, telling her that it was not as effective.  But Lavinya's encouraging smile told her that she was doing very well indeed.  Finally, after nearly an hour of diagnosing and Healing, they were all Healed, and Lavinya sent the men away.  Nesyer collapsed on the chair, quite tired and feeling as though she would need a larger meal than usual for dinner later that day.


After Nesyer felt that she had regained a measure of her strength, Lavinya continued the lesson.


"The penultimate weave for this lesson is called Circle of Silence.  I weave a dome of mixed Air and Water," Lavinya did so, "and strengthen the whole with Spirit.  This is a complex and delicate weave which you may not be skilled enough to do. I then place the dome over the subject."  Lavinya dropped the weave lightly on top of Nesyer, who flinched as the weave covered her and asked what the weave was.  "This could be useful if there’s a lot of background noise and you need to talk to someone.  You’d place a Circle of Silence on the both of you and all noise would be excluded.  It could also prevent a criminal or miscreant from hearing what you plan to do with him."


Nesyer nodded.  The weave itself would push her skill, but she thought that, although it was quite complicated, she would be able to accomplish it.


She embraced Saidar, and flows sprung up around her as she carefully wove the weaves of the Circle of Silence.  They fell into place perfectly on the first time, and she tested it by speaking.  Lavinya nodded her head and smiled.  Nesyer undid the weave and tried again, the flows falling into place more naturally as she guided Saidar to do her bidding. Her eyes were intense and she was concentrating heavily on what she was doing.  She copied the weave several times over until she was very sure that she could repeat the weave when she was half-asleep.  It would be unlikely that she would have to use it in any dangerous situation in the first place.


When Nesyer completed it for the tenth time perfectly, the weaves falling into place perfectly once more, Lavinya moved on to the next and final weave of that day.  Nesyer released Saidar and paid close attention to what Lavinya was saying.  "The last weave we’ll be looking at is Mirror of Mists.  This weave is used to alter someone’s size or appearance although the closer you stay to the true appearance, the more efficient the weave will be."  The glow sprang up around Lavinya, and flows of Air, Water, Fire and Spirit emanated from her, swirling in a complex fashion, woven together in a delicate lace, to around the mouse.  It was a tapestry that Nesyer managed to memorize on her first time, her mind tucking the weaves into her memory.


The mouse suddenly was larger.  There was no gradual effect.  It simply was one, then the other.  She blinked once, then studied the mouse.  Lavinya placed a hand on the actual mouse - her hand actually seemed to sink into its surface.  "If I were to make this mouse appear seven feet tall, she still wouldn’t bump its head on the mouse hole, and the fact that it disappears into the wall would give you to suspect that it was hiding her true appearance.  So the more you keep to the natural appearance, the less anyone would suspect.  You probably won’t be able to alter the finer details like eyes and hair, that is advanced work.  So you’ll begin with altering the appearance of your own skin.  Hold out your hand in front of you and try to turn your skin a shade darker, or lighter than its natural colour.  Then you can practise on the mouse."


Lavinya took out the basket of angreal and placed it on the table.  Nesyer nodded and went to work.  Taking an Angreal from the basket, she drew upon Saidar and channeled the weave exactly as she had been given, on her hand, surrounding it.  When the weave fell into completion, Nesyer's hand was several times larger.  But that was not the task that had been set.  She had to change the colour of her hand, making it either darker or lighter.  She stared at the weave for a while, thinking about how to change the weaving so that her hand would appear darker.  She modified the weave, changing the composition of  the amount of Fire.  The amount of energy.  The space around her hand warped, and her hand became smaller.  She frowned slightly, and changed it again.


She did it again and again until she found the combination she was looking for.  A touch of Air and Fire was modified, less fire used.  The hand would thus appear darker.  A reverse in the combinations made the hand appear lighter.  Lavinya asked her to demonstrate again and again, and made her try varying shades of colours before she was satisfied.  Demonstrating again and again, aided by the Angreal that was glowing brightly on the table, Nesyer started to feel quite drained, even though the Angreal was buffering her from the full impact of channeling so much Saidar at such large quantities for now.


The she practised on the mouse.  Different combinations of weavings, different shapes and types of weavings stemming from the root of the weave.  Nesyer made the mouse bigger by enlarging the weave, thinner by making the weave thinner, and so on.  But light, it was rather complex and difficult to see the modifications required to make the mouse seem to be of different shapes and sizes.  Nesyer's head began to hurt somewhat, and kept on aching until Lavinya dismissed her, for her to practise and return next week.

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