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Elder Scrolls has some WoT cameos.


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So I have been playing Oblivion for awhile, and I have noticed some things from WoT( It might be just me or coincidence, but seeing what kind of game it is it wouldn't surprise me if someone in development is a fan of Robert Jordan). So one is that a potion that drains ALOT of your Magicka(mana,ect) is called the Potion of Severing. Second,"Warder" is a rank in the fighters guild. The third is the best,the leader of the Thieves guild is called the Gray Fox, now I wouldn't have thought anything of this, but last night I was reading The Shadow Rising, and I got to the part where it said " Thomdril Merrilin,known as the Gray Fox by some" or something very similar to that...and I flipped out. so those are the things I have noticed so far, Ill keep my eyes peeled for more. hope its not just me that thinks theres a connection, maybe im spending too much time in the Shivering isles.

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Those are some good catches. It's hard to think of them as actual references simply because of the common nature of the terms themselves... Warder being an old word for a guard (warding off danger), Gray Fox being a somewhat common nickname for popular clever people (taken from the animal), and severing being a basic term for separation (such as separating one from their magicka or from The One Power).


That said, it's certainly -possible- for there to be a Wheel of Time fan in the design team and for the references to have been taken directly from the books. It's fun to think about hidden WoT references.

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Ya thats what I figured too,but it just seemed that there were better obvious choices right off the bat for that stuff. like someone went out of there way to put them there, cause they kind of stand out of the Elder Scrolls lore to me. but I could just want them to fit REALY bad ;D.

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