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Words from the DL - Appointment and Appreciation

Guest Arie Ronshor

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Guest Arie Ronshor


I've never been very good with large words or pretty speeches, however, I've always been good with sending words from my heart. The White Tower has certainly taken a hard turn this past month, I hope that over time we can truly work together and rebuild it back to the beautiful and inspiring place it once was.


To get this off my chest, Lavinya/KristenSedai, our lovely Mistress of Novices, I'm so terribly sorry for your resignation. I truly hope you return one day to a better WT. Even now with tears, My arms are open to you. Go with the Light, my sister. Creator Guard you and see you find peace.


As of of the reading of this post, the former White Tower Divisional Staff is now completely dissolved. This, unfortunatly (and expectantly) Includes Sirayn - RP Co-ordinator and Acting ADL and Halvie - WT ADL (MIA). However, Due to the fact the Sirayn is on LoA as well, We have no clear evidence as to the state of the Amyrlin Seat position.  As this is an IC position, there will be no change here, unless Sirayn wishes otherwise.


I would also like to say, Sirayn/Eleanor, The White Tower could not have functioned without you (and Kristen) to hold it together. Your amazing eye for detail and creative Rp's have certainly breathed life into the Rp's you have touched. Thank you.



Without any further Ado, I would like to announce that the White Tower has been given 2 ADL Positions.


Congratulations to Jaydena Sedai and TaeaDawn. After a wonderful meeting with both of you I have high hopes and a lot of support for the building of this Division. I look forward for the upcoming Years (crosses fingers) of working Together with you both.



With Parting words, I wish to send out one last thank you. And this one is for You. Without your support and love for this Division, it would no longer be here. Although the condition of this Tower is scattered at best, it is with an open Heart and a lot of hope that You will continue to help Support this Division, as well as myself and my new team. It's going to be a bit of a rocky start, but I strongly believe that things happen for a reason. Be that as it may, this Division is nothing without the Rp's and the hearts of the Players. I will do my best to support and pick up the peices and bring this Division back around.



*secretly crossed her fingers* Hopefully.




AGL & WT DL Leader

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I totally agree with everything Andrea said, I hope we can pull ourselves out of this wreckage, we are a strong willing group of men and women and I think we can do. *salutes everyone* I appreciate the thanks, I hope to earn it.  ;D

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Wow! You leave for a little while and crazy things happen! *shakes head* Thank you Sirayn for everything, and you too Halvie. I am quite astonished at all of this, but again, I haven't been around so I have no idea what happened.

Good luck Jaydena and Taea, I hope things go great! I will try and stick around to the best of my ability.


Serena Morrigan

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