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About Luckers

  • Birthday 11/19/1987


  • Member Title
    Hostile Witness

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  1. Loved Egwene being mostly silent til her death threat and also love Renna being clearly hurt. Rennas actress has actually been brilliant in her subtle play of the role. I'm gonna say it. The show does its villians better than the books did. Thats not to say the show doesnt have problems.... but yeah between liandrin, lanfear and renna i honestly think they are better than their book eiquivalents.
  2. An interesting thought. I don't think it holds up in book--nothing specifically forbids it as far as I recall (there was something about one of the damane in Caemlyn not remembering her original name but I dont think that was about Alivia). Either way enough discussion around her happens by the characters for it to be commented on that she has reverted to her original name vs the name she was referred to when captured by Rand. Doesnt mean it couldnt be a tv show thing? I dunno having a freed damane as a character early on could be a very interesting and clever adaption especially if the goal is to advance the plot more quickly than in the books (which has been made clear)
  3. I mean... yes theres a bit of this. But theres also a bit of that and a bit of the other thing... In the books Mat winning was mostly about RJs understanding that popular expectations regarding a fight is unreliable. Yes everyone expects the prince with the sword to win, but whos the best gaidan and how was he defeated? Jearom, and by a farmboy. As for ogling... the worst Galad had to expect was waking up bonded to a green... and that was sorta a joke maybe
  4. Ah true. Yeah, I'm casually reontroducing myself to the information available. Poop tho, woulda been fun.
  5. Its not going to happen but the blonde damane they've had pointing dramatically at marath'damane being Alivia and an early insert show v books who maybe gets scooped up in whatever freedom is going to happen would be a fun way to continue deepening the book topic v the show. Its a new turning you never know...
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